About Bruno and Kathleen Soucy

Bruno and Kathleen have served with CBM since 2006, first in Rwanda and now as Latin America Team Leaders, since 2014. They support CBM’s Field Staff, church partners, and programs in Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Bruno and Kathleen are passionate about working with local churches in Latin America to develop sustainable growth and transformational impact in their communities. They assist Canadian church mission efforts and church engagement locally and globally through meaningful short-term mission experiences and partnership possibilities in Latin America. Bruno has broad experience in technical and management roles in Agricultural Credit in many areas of Canada. Before joining CBM, Kathleen worked in agricultural research, in Pregnancy Resource Centers in Ontario, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick, and as an area manager for the Canadian Cancer Society in New Brunswick.

Bruno and Kathleen have three married children – Caroline & Jonathan Selig, Laura & Jonathan Vokey, and Benjamin & Elissa Stoddart, and seven grandchildren.

Soucy Ministry Update December 2021 Francais


Voici en quoi consiste l’amour : ce n’est pas nous qui avons aimé Dieu, mais c’est lui qui nous a aimés ; aussi a-t-il envoyé son Fils pour expier nos péchés. 1 Jean 4:10 Au temps de l'Avent, nous nous rappelons d'anticiper la naissance de Jésus, le Messie. En attendant, nous n'avons pas à être passifs ! Nous pouvons bouger et agir dans amour, même s'il semble que le bien que nous faisons ne changera pas le résultat.

Soucy Ministry Update December 2021 Francais2022-08-12T11:55:26-04:00
