CP Raju

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CP has served with CBM in India since 2012. As Senior Program Coordinator, CP helps the community development team work towards integral mission. His key responsibilities include operations management, budgeting, personnel deployment, and project monitoring and reporting.

Before commencing his service with CBM, CP was the community project officer at a hospital first started by Canadian Baptist missionaries. He later joined another CBM hospital in Serango, where he worked for 20 years as an administrative officer and community development project manager. CP was born into a Christian family in India, and his father was a pastor. He is actively involved in church and youth activities in the states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. He is a singer, as well as founder and honorary editor of a monthly Christian magazine.

CP is married to Jane Swarna who works as an assistant professor at an Engineering College. They have two grown children, Rajedidiah and Shruti Jessica.

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