
Congo – Ecological Farming in Buyinga

Project Overview
Cause: Poverty
Location: Congo
Field Staff: Eugene Akondeng
Project Partner: CBCA

The purpose of this project is to train and equip local farmers in the Buyinga area so that they are able to practice their trade in a sustainable and productive manner, increasing their income and resilience while also caring for creation. Participating farmers will be organized into an agricultural cooperative. Training topics in 2024 will include post-harvest technologies, conservation agriculture, product marketing, VSL organization, and environmental protection. Seeds, saplings and small livestock will be distributed to assist the learning process.

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Old Site Data

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Congo – Ecological Farming in Buyinga

Project code: TD2680
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
Total Project Budget:
Staff Profile Image

EugeneAkondengEugene Akondeng

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