
Congo – Theological Education Scholarships

Project Overview
Cause: Builld The Church
Location: Congo
Field Staff: Eugene Akondeng
Project Partner: CBCA

This project supports academic fees for 126 students at (Université Libre des Pays des grands lacs) Goma, Butembo, Bukavu or ISBTM (Institut Supérieur Baptiste de Théologie et de Missiologie). The system that requires the student (and supporters) to pay the fees for the first two years helps avoid people who think they can just get a free education.  They do not start to get any help until year 3. But in a situation of war when we see that it is difficult for them to pay the academic fees because of a reason which is very known, the general secretariat will see how he can help them. We plan to help 126 students each year.  

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Congo – Theological Education Scholarships

Project code: M2635
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
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Staff Profile Image

EugeneAkondengEugene Akondeng

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