
Philippines – Continuing Theological Education Project

Project Overview
Cause: Builld The Church
Location: Philippines
Field Staff: Kylah Lohnes
Project Partner: KPM

CCTEP is a 3-year theological education program for pastors. The program is designed to provide continuing education for young pastors to equip and encourage them in their ministry. This project will help address the practical needs of the pastors by enhancing their skills and competency in ministry in areas such as: Philippine Politics & Governance, Worship & Liturgy, Interfaith Relations:  Dialogue with Indigenous Religions, Peace Studies, Ecumenical Relations, Understanding Self, Conflict Management:  Mediation; Arbitration; Reconciliation, Biblical Interpretation, Salvation & Reign of God, Community Development:  Feasibility Study; Project Proposal Development, Gender Studies:  HIV & AIDS, Towards a Theology of Farming, + 6 courses on Faith+Work.  All of the pastors in this program are currently serving in local churches.

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Philippines – Continuing Theological Education Project

Project code: M2565
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
Total Project Budget:
Staff Profile Image

KylahLohnesKylah Lohnes

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