Carla was appointed Senior Associate – Africa Liaison & Educational Specialist in 2019. She previously worked with CBM as an Educational Facilitator and Coordinator of Teacher Professional Development in Kenya. Based in Canada, Carla works with CBM’s International Partnerships team and Field Staff serving in Africa, involved with strengthening our partners’ educational programs internationally and exploring new educational opportunities.
Carla has extensive experience as a teacher, administrator, and mentor in education. Carla received her M.Div. from Tyndale Seminary and M.Ed. and Ph.D. from the University of Alberta. She has served as Director of Tyndale University College’s Bachelor Education Program, and as the Associate Professor of Education for several years. In 2014, Carla was named one of Canada’s 100 Fantastic Christian Women Leaders by the Bridgeway Foundation.
She is married to former CBM General Secretary, Gary Nelson, and they have one adult daughter, a son-in-law, and four grandchildren.