

Working with local churches and faith-based organizations globally, Vennture is helping to bridge the gap between Sunday and the other six days of the week. Vennture promotes and teaches a biblical Theology of Work by supporting the creation of transformational businesses and by mobilizing others to discover where faith meets work.


Gifts that Provide Animals & Agriculture


Global food security has become a growing issue in our post-pandemic society. Add in political instability, supply chain challenges, and the rising cost of living and we have a perfect storm for hunger to take hold. One important way to address hunger is by providing animals and resources for agriculture. Families who receive

Gifts that Provide Animals & Agriculture2023-10-10T11:02:26-04:00

Gifts Toward Crisis Response


In an unpredictable world filled with unforeseen tragedies, political instability, environmental disasters, and conflict, victims are often left wounded and vulnerable. Throughout the war in Ukraine, the recent earthquake in Türkiye/Syria, the Beirut explosion, and the drought in the Horn of Africa, many have sought refuge in the church seeking assurance that God

Gifts Toward Crisis Response2023-10-10T11:00:03-04:00

Gifts Supporting Our Field Staff


CBM believes that local churches are God’s primary strategy for transforming a broken world. We work with, for, and through our global ministry partners to accomplish this goal. CBM’s Field Staff are a crucial part of these collaborations to create innovative and effective strategies that demonstrate God’s heart for individuals and communities.

Gifts Supporting Our Field Staff2023-10-13T11:17:54-04:00

Gifts that Help Build the Church


God brings healing to a broken world through local churches. When you equip and empower congregations around the world to share the Gospel, you are enabling them to proclaim and demonstrate God's love in their communities. The Great Commission instructs us to go and make disciples. We can do so through the local

Gifts that Help Build the Church2023-10-10T10:56:47-04:00

Gifts Responding to Kids at Risk


Every child should have the right to just be a kid. Yet too many children in our world are exposed to trauma, conflict, hunger, poverty and lack access to education and health care, denying them a safe and secure childhood where they feel loved and cared for. A child's human rights include protection,

Gifts Responding to Kids at Risk2023-10-10T10:54:22-04:00

Gifts Responding to Justice


Justice is ultimately about restoration. Individuals, social structures and economic systems alike need God's restoration to bring about what is equitable and just. We are commanded to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before our God. Simply righting wrongs is too limited a definition for what biblical justice calls us to, namely,

Gifts Responding to Justice2023-10-10T10:52:01-04:00

Gifts Responding to Poverty


Poverty can take many forms and can have debilitating effects on individuals and communities. As people of faith, we respond in love to help alleviate suffering and extend compassion to the poor. The issues surrounding poverty are often complex and the response requires a multifaceted approach. By understanding the specific dynamics within a

Gifts Responding to Poverty2023-10-12T10:58:52-04:00

What’s Most Needed


CBM values partnership. With a spirit of cooperation, we work collaboratively with our global partners who are best positioned to understand the needs of their communities. This local wisdom enables us to support families and individuals from a place of mutuality that leads to effective strategies. At the same time, the unpredictable nature

What’s Most Needed2023-10-13T16:27:02-04:00

Featured Item 2022 Rabbits


Featured Gift Give a Pair of Rabbits Rabbits are a very cost-effective and non-labour intensive animal to raise, producing highly nutritious meat along with enriching manure which can greatly improve soil quality. Rabbits are also highly reproductive and grow rapidly, leading to a very profitable animal for a family to raise.

Featured Item 2022 Rabbits2022-11-02T15:43:56-04:00
