About Vennture

You probably already know what a Venn diagram is: two-overlapping shapes that demonstrate the relationship between two sets of ideas. It was named after John Venn, a British mathematician who was trying to show people how seemingly opposing concepts can be linked together.
Now hold that thought for a minute while we share what God has been showing us here at Vennture. For many years, we have seen the phenomenal impact of ‘ordinary church-goers’ on helping shape local communities through their daily
work. They are teachers and health-care workers, government employees, tradespeople, truckers and farmers, businesspeople, merchants, and day-labourers. They understand that God has called them to live out their faith in and
through their work. They are Christ’s disciples in the marketplace.
Sometime though, church-leaders, usually pastors and evangelists, send confusing messages that God’s work is only what’s being done in the church; singing in the choir, teaching Sunday school, being a deacon, serving on a committee. Sometimes, businesspeople feel they are just a means of generating
income to help fulfill God’s work (i.e., in the church). Too often, people feel like second-class citizens in God’s kingdom, sometimes denigrated for choosing what was labelled as ‘secular work’ vs. the spiritual work of the church.
As our logo shows, we believe faith and work can be closely linked, and
discipleship is the key, the very heart of what it means to be God’s people. It is where faith meets work and equips people with useful resources to live out their faith every single day of the week.
Our Team

Connect with
Michael Waddell
Michael, a business enthusiast, loves helping people of all ages discover where faith meets work and business. Equipped with theological education and business training, Michael spent 14 years working in their family-run small business before joining CBM’s team in 2015. He and his family spent 4 years in the Philippines leading people and partners towards an increased engagement in the marketplace through the integration of their faith with daily work. Since returning to Canada in 2020, Michael has been co-leading Vennture, focusing on marketplace ministries with our Canadian and international network of partners.

Connect with
Brenda Halk
Brenda is passionate about helping people become whole-life disciples by integrating their faith with their work. Brenda worked in education for many years before entering the business world, where she worked for more than 20 years, managing several small family businesses. She has extensive leadership experience in mission organizations and joined CBM in 2013. Believing that the marketplace is a strategic mission field, Brenda now co-leads Vennture, assisting and equipping partners to engage in the marketplace as a means of helping transform communities and bring lasting spiritual and social change.

Our quarterly email will guide you in integrating your faith and your work so that all the hours of your life can be infused with meaning and make a kingdom impact, no matter what you’re doing.

- The Power of Ordinary Work
- ‘Doing God’s Business’ video-based resource
- Vennture Toolbox and more