We live in an age where the truth has become increasingly elusive. Without a firm foundation, people can be easily influenced by the shifting sands of modern media and politics. More than ever, theologically equipped leaders are needed on the front lines to share the truth of Jesus. Yet so many communities lack the resources needed to equip leaders for effective witness in a hurting world.
Working with our global partners, CBM strives to help churches build upon the solid foundation of Christ. Only then can meaningful change be made in people’s lives and communities. Your help is crucial in investing in leaders today so that local churches have greater transformative impact in communities tomorrow.

Clark Theological College (CTC) is CBM’s partner in India where *Bina is pursuing a Bachelor of Divinity degree. Sadly, Bina recently lost her father. As he was the sole breadwinner, her family faced financial uncertainty and she could no longer afford her education.
CTC has many students struggling to make ends meet. But because of your support, Bina was among the 70-80 students awarded partial scholarships by CTC so she could continue her studies. Bina now has a fresh vision to also pursue her Master of Theology at CTC someday and serve the next generation. She highly values what she has learned about integral mission sharing, “I have a strong desire and passion to serve my church in an informed, trained, and holistic manner.”
She plans to share the importance of self-sustainability with her local community. Bina says, “I want to see the younger generation grow and develop holistically [and I know] the Church can be that agent of transformation.”
You can be a source of strength and encouragement for Bina and students like her by helping them overcome the financial barriers to ministry.
In another part of the world, CBM partners with Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) which is in a unique position to reach the Arab world with the Gospel. The Church in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is seeing unprecedented growth with an urgent need for bold, theologically trained leaders.
Annually, ABTS hosts the Middle East Consultation (MEC) in Beirut, Lebanon. Over the course of the three-day event, participants are equipped to be effective witnesses amid the complex realities of ministries in the MENA region. Shedding light on issues of faith and society is essential in enabling the Arab Church to reach out to diverse communities with the love of Christ.

*Sara is a Bachelor of Theology student who recently attended the MEC. She and her husband are leaders in their church. Several years ago, they lived in a region that targeted Christians and fled to escape violence and persecution. Today, Sara ministers primarily to young women and hopes to open a shelter for those who have suffered abuse. She was particularly moved by one of the presentations on violence against women and sexual harassment, saying:
“[They highlighted] the very real and tangible plight of Arab women in their homes, churches, and societies …It motivated me to be strong and teach the girls I serve to be strong as well.”
As the difficulties in our world continue to multiply, we have the unique opportunity to equip local women and men, like Bina and Sara, to meet the needs of their communities. Will you help them know they are not alone in this journey by making a gift today?
Our global partners are setting the example of active faith by empowering future leaders with the knowledge and experience of integral mission. By providing sound theological education, leaders and pastors are trained to minister in some of the most challenging circumstances imaginable including India, Lebanon, and several others across the globe. Thank you for walking alongside them in partnership as they share God’s message of hope through word and deed.

Jennifer Lau,
Executive Director