About Lewis and Felain Lam

Lewis and Felain were appointed as CBM Strategic Associates in 2012 to join the work of CBM in Germany with a local organization, Forum für Mission unter Chinesen in Deutschland (FMCD). The Lams’ ministry is in the cities of Göttingen and Kassel. The team ministers to the many Chinese students studying in German universities, introducing the gospel message to these future professionals who return home upon graduation.

The Lams grew up in Hong Kong in Buddhist families, but both attended Christian public schools. They came to Canada as students and encountered Jesus through friends and relatives. Lewis served at Wismer Baptist Church in Ontario as the Cantonese pastor. Before that, he worked as a computer programmer. Felain worked as a licensed therapist and educational program developer after serving as the Assistant Pastor at Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church.

The Lams departed for Germany in 2014 with their son, Caleb.
