CBM Gift Catalogue 2024/2025

Hopeful Gifts for Change

Leave a Legacy of Generosity

with Hopeful Gifts for Change.

As the Christmas season approaches, we  ill all inevitably feel the pressure to find the “perfect gift” and be inundated with endless options of what that perfect gift could be. As decision fatigue sets in, we may even be tempted to think of this Hopeful Gifts catalogue the same way we do any shopping tool, asking ourselves “What can I buy for the person I love?”

But what if we shifted our mindset from

“What can I buy?” to “What can I give?”

Just like the faithful who have given over the past 150 years to support Canadian Baptist Ministries, you, too, can have generational impact by giving on behalf of someone you love. This catalogue offers us all the opportunity to show love to the people in our lives by making a donation in their honour while extending love to people around the globe.

And why not invite your whole community to participate? Children can select gifts of education for their teachers, congregations can support church leaders around the world, and families can give one another presents that make a difference for other families – all through the Hopeful Gifts Catalogue this Christmas season.

This year, your gift towards Where Most Needed will be matched!

By supporting Hopeful Gifts for Change, you enable victims of human trafficking in India to build brighter, more hopeful futures through rehabilitation and spiritual care. Children in Rwanda with disabilities and their caregivers can receive much-needed support and education to improve their quality of life. As the church continues to grow in the Middle East, passionate church leaders can be equipped through mentorship and training to share the Gospel in their unique contexts and communities.

Thank you for your generous support this season – your gifts help embrace a broken world through word and deed.

Grace and peace,

Jennifer Lau
Executive Director

Browse all Hopeful Gifts

Gifts responding to
Where it’s needed most
Gifts responding to
Key Causes
Gifts that help
Gifts supporting
Gifts supporting
Field Staff
Give a gift with the greatest impact.

Give where it’s needed most.

When our eyes are open to the brokeness in our world, we can become overwhelmed by how to respond to the needs in our communities, our nation, and our world.

When you support Where Most Needed,
CBM ensures that your gift goes where it will help most.

Together, we can bring meaningful change to a hurting world.

Together, we can make a difference.

Your gift to Where Most Needed will be matched!*

*Total gifts up to $30,000 will be matched. In the event that a particular project or program is oversubscribed, or where local conditions prevent implementation, CBM will redirect your donations to Where Most Needed. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more.

Charitable registration number: 10684 3436 RR0001

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Gifts that Support Gospel-led Transformation


LEBANON – This past summer, our partner church in Lebanon hosted a three-day youth conference, packed with spiritual lessons, activities, and fellowship.

Led by a Christian pastor with a Druze background (an esoteric religious group in the region), the conference focused on the theme of reaching one’s goals through Christ. “The event was an amazing opportunity to fully engage in spiritual programs,” said one participant.

After the conference, the pastor shared, “When I face challenges in ministry, sometimes I feel like I want to quit. However, when I see these young people and their genuine hearts to live for Christ, I am encouraged to continue forward.”

Europe – Help Equip Church Leaders to Develop Healthy Ministries

The Baptist Learning Network is designed to help church leaders gain global perspectives as they learn from one another and engage more deeply in topics such as creation care, mission and art, freedom of religion and belief, and ethics. The network includes an online platform for networking and discussion, online courses, webinars, and conferences. By supporting this project, you are helping equip church leaders to develop stronger ministries in the present and future.

Africa – Help Strengthen Collaborative Partnerships

In 2019, CBM and our East Africa partners committed to deepen our partnership and collaboration through an unprecedented covenant. This year, we celebrated 5 years of this covenant and renewed the commitment to help build each other’s capacity in outworking the mission of God. Your gift will help support the covenant partners to further the local church through training, support, resources, and mutual learning.

Lebanon – Help Local Churches Share the Gospel

In Lebanon, we are working alongside two churches to expand gospel outreach within two Druze communities. Both congregations are led by passionate church planters who come from Druze backgrounds themselves, giving them a unique connection to their communities. By supporting this project, you will help strengthen their outreach through mentorship for leaders, essential furnishings for their children’s programs, and vital resources to support youth and family conferences.

Gifts that Restore Relationships & Promote Equity

A Hopeful Story of Advocating for JUSTICE

INDIA, Miqlat Ministries – Lily comes from a small village in Nagaland, India. Because her parents struggled financially, they sent her and her siblings to different homes, where they worked as domestic helpers. Lily’s vulnerability led her to being abused, which caused emotional and mental trauma. “I felt my life was without hope and meaning,” Lily says.

CBM’s partner, Miqlat Ministries, came alongside Lily and invited her to take part in tailoring training. “I am very happy that I am undergoing training, and I want to stay at Miqlat,” she says. “I am exploring my potential. Besides the tailoring training, I am learning how to cook, socialize with others, to read the Bible, and manage my temper.” Her participation in the program has helped her develop holistically, and since coming to Miqlat, she’s received love, support, encouragement, and friendship.

“Thank you for the prayers and for the opportunity to learn skills that empower and strengthen me.”

India – Help Support Victims of Human Trafficking

Sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls in parts of India are a difficult reality. Your gift will help our partner, Miqlat Ministries, focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and restoration of victims to reintegrate them back into society with family, churches, and communities. By supporting this project, you are helping these women and girls build a brighter, more hopeful future.

Kazakhstan – Help Provide Rehabilitation and Training for Recovering Addicts

Even atter rehabilitation, societal stigma around addiction often prevents former addicts from finding work. Our partner in Kazakhstan, UECB, shares the gospel as they help rehabilitate addicts and help new believers integrate into a local church. They also provide skills training and offer positions through a business run by the recovery centre. By supporting this project, you are helping individuals find a new path forward towards Christ.

Thailand – Help Provide Land Rights Awareness Training

Due to dwindling natural resources and the recent implementation of national forest laws, villagers from minority tribes are facing challenges related to their livelihoods and land use. Your gift will support the local church in providing land rights education to villagers and instructing them on natural resource management practices. By supporting this project, you are helping communities flourish and grow through the efforts of the local church.

Gifts that Provide a Hopeful Childhood

A Hopeful Story of Supporting KIDS AT RISK

GUATEMALA, ACEBG – For Maria, the church represents a place of refuge and peace. She and her husband live with their three children in Monte el Carmelo, Guatemala. They face many obstacles due to poverty and health challenges, but the ACEBG church centre has helped ease some of the burden by offering essential food and materials for the children’s homework.

Maria’s children are her motivation and hope for a better future. The support her family receives from the church allows her to concentrate on her children’s education and wellbeing. She dreams of them finishing their studies and becoming independent, something she didn’t have the chance to do herself.

“Thank you for your support. May God bless you for your dedication and the positive impact you make on the lives of our children and the community.”

Guatemala – Help Provide Holistic Care for Children & Families

School dropout rates in Monte el Carmelo are very high due to poverty, and many children are in single mother households, with most parents lacking primary education. Your gift will help provide 15 children between 7 and 12 years old with school tutoring, devotional lessons, healthy meals, and education materials. In addition, our partner offers classes to parents to ensure the children receive holistic care.

El Salvador – Help Build Resilience in Vulnerable Children

No child should grow up in an unsafe environment. Your gift will help this collaborative project counter the cultural factors that contribute to violence and improve the conditions of care for children in the city of Chalchuapa. We do this by facilitating cross-sector collaboration between education, government, and the private sector to collectively tackle the issue of violence on the streets. By supporting this project, you are making a tangible difference in the lives of children at risk.

Egypt – Help Provide Education for Kids & Youth

In Egypt, education is mainly centered around memorization with little focus on character formation, freedom of thinking, and creativity. This project aims to broaden the worldview and support the development of kids and youth. By supporting this project, you are helping CBM partners work alongside government and private organizations to provide a richer educational experience for kids and youth in Alexandria, Bani Sweef, and Cairo.

Shared Gifts that Bring Hope Around the World

Make a difference this Christmas – locally and globally!

Our impact is greater when we give together.

Shared Hopeful Gifts harness the power of togetherness, increasing our collective impact. Your congregation can choose a gift that will support the global Church and help bring hope and healing through the gospel. We’ve also suggested some ideas for how you might partner in your neighbourhood to make a difference locally. This Christmas, let’s make an impact together.

Click Here for videos, bulletin inserts, stories, and downloadables to support your Shared Hopeful Gift.

Help Provide Care for Orphans – Rwanda

In Rwanda, orphans and vulnerable children face challenges beyond their physical health. Your gift will go towards school fees and psychosocial support, giving these children the tools to dream of a brighter future. In turn, program graduates mentor and support younger children still in need.

Local Connection: Reach out to your local youth centre or after-school program to explore mentorship or tutoring opportunities.

Every $200 will help care for an orphan for one year – how many orphans can your church support this Christmas?

Help Feed a Family for a Year – 11 Countries

Without reliable access to nutritious food, families face significant challenges, ranging from health problems to children’s developmental delays and difficulty maintaining steady employment or education. Your gift supports initiatives across 11 countries, helping families where support is needed the most.

Local Connection: Contact your local food bank or school breakfast program to learn about their most urgent needs and see how you can make a difference.

With $500, your church can provide a year of food for a family – how many families can your church feed this Christmas?

Help Equip a Pastor – 20+ Countries

When pastors are well-equipped, the entire community flourishes. For those living in remote areas, lacking financial or family support as they train, or working part-time jobs to support their own families, your gift strengthens the church by supporting pastors with training and other resources.

Local Connection: Approach a pastor in your church or neighborhood and offer encouragement, practical support, or even a kind word of appreciation.

$250 helps equip one pastor – how many pastors can your church help train this Christmas?

Help Provide Care for Refugees – Cyprus & Greece

For refugees fleeing to Cyprus and the Greek island of Lesvos, living conditions are challenging. Your gift supports a relational ministry approach for the most vulnerable, providing a more dignified access to support for hygiene, food, clothing, and other necessities. This results in an improved quality of life, positive relationships with refugee families, refugees’ increased self-confidence, and faithful witness.

Local Connection: Learn how your community prepares for emergencies and consider supporting local shelters or outreach programs.

$500 helps provide care for refugees for one month – how many refugees can your church support this Christmas?

Help Train a Youth Peace Ambassador – DR Congo

Refugees in DR Congo, deeply affected by conflict and trauma, seek peace and healing. With your gift, young peace ambassadors in local churches are being given gospel-centered training for peacemaking in refugee camps. Through this, they find their own healing, then also equip their peers and welcome them into community.

Local Connection: Reach out to a church youth worker and ask how you can support or pray for teens dealing with conflict at school or home, fostering peace in your community.

$100 helps train one youth peace ambassador. We have a goal to train 160 youth – how many can your church support this Christmas?

Gifts that Support Vennture

Gifts that Champion Formation, Creation & Mobilization

God in Our Everyday Work

DR CONGO, CBCA – “As a country, we are facing insecurity and war. Some days in the ER, I have three patients in a row: two are the antagonists in a conflict and the third is the victim.”

Joshua is a medical doctor and the director of a hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with our partner CBCA. “The population can’t pay for medicine and there is not enough medicine for the population,” he says. “It is not easy to get resources for treating patients with chronic diseases.”

Recently, Joshua committed two weeks of his busy schedule to the Integral Mission in the Workplace training held in Rwanda. The training has given him a new perspective on his unique position in serving God. “In our work, we see the hand of God every day, even as we face challenges,” he says, “and every day we can say the church has helped the government in healing its population. As Christians, we help patients to believe in God and we help them find hope.”

East Africa – Help Provide Theology of Work & Vocation Training for Pastors


The Bible provides truth and insight into the meaning and purpose of daily work. Through our network of partners, CBM is teaching a biblical theology of work and vocation that seeks to close the sacred secular divide and enhances CBM’s commitment to Integral Mission. When you support theology of work and vocation training, you are helping provide pastors with specialized faith meets work training that will help them lead a more vocationally informed church.

Majority World – Help Support the Flourishing of Majority World Entrepreneurs


Strategic investments in business development can lead to community transformation and human flourishing. Through our partnership with Flourish Financial, you can support business development for God’s Kingdom. In places like Utatlan, Guatemala and Capiz,  hilippines, gaining capital to start or grow a business is difficult to access. Your gift will provide capital to support majority world entrepreneurs.

Global – Help Provide Vocational Discipleship Training for Workers


By supporting vocational discipleship trainings through Vennture, CBM’s Faith meets Work initiative, you are helping workers around the world discover the Kingdom value of their work, whether paid or unpaid. As they grow in their understanding of God’s intention for work, they begin to realize the unique opportunities that their work provides them to contribute to helping heal a broken world through word and deed.

Gifts that Instill Hope & Create Lasting Change

A Hopeful Story of Alleviating POVERTY

RWANDA, AEBR – Rose lives alone with her grandchild, who has multiple disabilities. When the child was abandoned due to her condition, Rose stepped in to care for her.

Before participating in the disabled child and mother welfare project, life had been very difficult for Rose. “My child is physically inactive,” she explains. “I have to do everything for her.” The project, run through the local church, has given Rose more than material support. “I feel loved and valued because caregivers visit me and help me restore my confidence.” Through the program, she now grows vegetables, and plans for a future where she can support herself.

Her biggest hope? “That I will encourage other women to stand up and advocate for their children.”

Bolivia – Help Reduce the Risk of Preventable Disease

Families in the rural regions of Bolivia are often affected by infestations of the vinchuca bug, which puts them at high risk of contracting Chagas disease. These families are also isolated from access to healthcare services and food supplies. Your gift will help fund the renovation of homes to reduce the risk of contracting Chagas disease, raise awareness of disease prevention, provide resources for home visits, and connect families in need with health services.

Rwanda – Help Provide Welfare for Mothers and Children with Disabilities

Women in Rwanda who have a child with a disability often suffer discrimination from a culture that traditionally views disability as a curse. CBM works alongside the AEBR to advocate for these mothers and their children and educate church staff and leaders. Childcare assistance, mental and emotional support, and solutions towards food security are also provided. Your gift will help this program ensure children with disabilities are better integrated into their communities, starting with the local church.

India – Help Provide Business Development Skills for Village Farms

Harvesting and producing raw products is something the people living in the hills of Soura do well. But communities continue to live in poverty as their products often don’t reach the markets. Your gift helps our partner, SBCMS, offer training to the local population to gain the knowledge and skills required to negotiate prices. Supporting this project will also help SBCMS in their plans to establish four business centres to help with bulk sales and improve the socio-economic situation of these communities.

Gifts that Help Feed the World

Give a Gift that Keeps on Giving

Animals and resources for agriculture are life-changing gifts for families. By choosing a farm gift, you can ensure a family has access to reliable and consistent food sources so that no one goes hungry.

Although we produce enough food to feed the world’s entire population, food security is still a significant issue for many. One important way you can address hunger is by providing families with animals and resources for agriculture. Families who receive farm resources experience the benefits of better nutrition and economic improvement. Chickens produce eggs and hatch offspring every three weeks. Goats produce milk, which is the number one dairy product around the world. Animal waste offers rich nutrients that can improve soil quality for kitchen gardens. But these gifts can do more than feed physical hunger – individuals and communities can use these resources to establish income-generating farms to support ministries that feed people spiritually, too.

Pair of Rabbits

Rabbits are a very cost-effective and non-labour intensive animal to raise, producing highly nutritious meat along with enriching manure which can greatly improve soil quality. Rabbits are also highly reproductive and grow rapidly, leading to a very profitable animal for a family to raise.

Poultry Hens and a Rooster

Poultry is an excellent source of food and meat, as their eggs can feed a family while also being a reliable source of income. Poultry also creates excellent fertilizer for farming. They are fairly easy to care for and help keep areas clean by controlling bugs and weeds naturally.

Fill the Henhouse

A double portion of hens along with a rooster. Poultry is an excellent source of food and meat, as their eggs can feed a family while also being a reliable source of income. Poultry also creates excellent fertilizer for farming. They are fairly easy to care for and help keep areas clean by controlling bugs and weeds naturally.


Pigs are a hardy animal that provide many valuable uses including pork, lard, leather, glue and fertilizer, as well as a variety of medicines. Pigs can also have up to five or six pigs per litter, at least once a year, which can be raised or sold as income to provide for a family’s needs.


Goats are versatile animals that can be raised in a variety of different climates and environments. Goats can produce up to two to three kids a year, and provide a steady milk supply as well as meat for families to have or sell. Goat fibers can also be spun and used in a number of ways.


While cows require more living space than poultry or rabbits, the fresh milk that they provide is invaluable for a family’s nutrition and health, while also being an important resource to be sold at the market for a steady income. Cows can have up to four calves in their lifetime, which can lead to a herd.


Fill a Stable

As the animals reproduce, the chicks or piglets can be shared, allowing more people to begin to participate in their own advancement.

There is a lot of good work being done on this farm. Lend a hand through your animal gift towards community development with dignity.

Become a Virtual Farmer – Full Acre – $400

Your gift will not only fund the costs for supplies such as seeds, fertilizer, crop spraying and associated equipment costs, but it will also grow hope and change the lives of people in need far away from where it was grown.

To learn more, visit cbmin.org/growhope

Become a Virtual Farmer – Half Acre – $200

Your gift will not only fund the costs for supplies such as seeds, fertilizer, crop spraying and associated equipment costs, but it will also grow hope and change the lives of people in need far away from where it was grown.

To learn more, visit cbmin.org/growhope

Become a Virtual Farmer – Quarter Acre – $100

Your gift will not only fund the costs for supplies such as seeds, fertilizer, crop spraying and associated equipment costs, but it will also grow hope and change the lives of people in need far away from where it was grown.

To learn more, visit cbmin.org/growhope

Gifts that Make an Immediate Difference

Stories of Crisis Response

In times of crisis, your generosity provides support through short-term and long-lasting resources. When we asked for your help in responding to the 2020 Beirut explosion, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the 2024 floods in Kenya, your giving made a tangible difference. In choosing to support Crisis Response today, your gift will ensure we can respond in the aftermath of crises tomorrow.

Crisis Response – $50

Help us respond to crises when they happen

Your gift will help us meet the immediate needs of those impacted by crises and provide resources for long-term reconstruction to restore affected communities. Help us respond rapidly by giving a gift that makes an immediate difference.

Crisis Response – $125

Help us respond to crises when they happen

Your gift will help us meet the immediate needs of those impacted by crises and provide resources for long-term reconstruction to restore affected communities. Help us respond rapidly by giving a gift that makes an immediate difference.

Crisis Response – $300

Help us respond to crises when they happen

Your gift will help us meet the immediate needs of those impacted by crises and provide resources for long-term reconstruction to restore affected communities. Help us respond rapidly by giving a gift that makes an immediate difference.

Gifts that Support Our Field Staff

Demonstrating God’s Heart Through Word and Deed

The ministry of presence is one of the greatest gifts we can give and it’s something our Field Staff practice daily.

CBM Field Staff work with, for, and through our global ministry partners to understand the needs of local churches and communities in the regions where they live and work.

With a wide variety of skills, our 31 Field Staff are uniquely gifted and critical to the success of the projects and programs that are implemented on the ground. They are the front-line witnesses to the transformative power of the gospel.