• Lessons in music, hairstyling, English, and crafts are just some of the ways that IBAREDO, our partners in the Dominican Republic, provide vulnerable children and their families access to resources and skills training. They also provide families with kits of basic school supplies and healthy snacks. Your gift can help increase their access to opportunities for education, employment, and social development.
  • In the Middle East and North Africa, opportunities for women to be theological educators and church leaders are scarce. Arab Baptist Theological Seminary empowers and equips female staff and students through theological education and leadership formation. Your gift will support women as they follow God's calling to play an active role within the Arab Church.
  • Access to clean water for communities in rural Togo improves sanitation, hygiene, and overall quality of life. Instead of spending time trekking to a water source, community members are able to attend work or school, as well as be free from waterborne diseases. Give the gift of renewed health to those who need it most.
  • In Atrica, Latin America, and Asia, CBM is working with our partners to provide training on integrating faith with work, and how understanding work as God intended it, can lead to whole-life discipleship and mission. Your gift will help provide pastors and church/community leaders with this important training, which leads to transformed lives and communities.
  • In Guatemala, CBM partners with ENLACEs Church and Community Program. By providing leadership training the local church is able to develop leaders that engage their communities to recognize and implement programs that bring meaningful transformation. Issues such as poverty are addressed with long-term solutions in mind. Leaders are mobilizing communities by offering biblical reflection, workshops, and support with managing community projects.
  • In many of the places where CBM works, vulnerable women and out-of-school youth struggle to get by. Within self-help groups, they receive training and access to equipment and supplies (sewing machines/wood-working tools) so they can earn equitable wages with support, encouragement, and accountability. Your gift allows women and youth to join local income-generating self-help groups.
  • In Lebanon, LSESD's community partners continue to create child-friendly spaces that provide 700 children with a secure environment in which they can play, learn, and socialize. Your support enables children to maintain and restore their well- being during times of crisis.
  • Engaging in business for God's Kingdom can be a powerful force leading to community transformation and alleviating poverty. In places like Nagaland (India) and Capiz (Philippines) gaining capital to start or grow a business is difficult to access. Your gift will provide capital to help Global South entrepreneurs.
  • We need your support in order for us to respond immediately in saving lives and participate in long-term reconstruction to help restore communities. Help us respond to crises when they happen.
  • With your help, local churches are a beacon of hope by providing emergency relief, food baskets for low- income families, and school support for children. Your gift trains pastors and leaders in Bolivia to respond to the needs of their communities through integral mission—addressing physical, spiritual, and social issues.
  • By coming alongside churches in Rwanda, CBM helps build their capacity to effectively reach their communities. Through leadership development and skills training, resource mobilization, and sustainable programming, pastors are equipped to minister holistically and expand their reach with the Gospel.
  • Youth in rural areas of El Salvador often abandon family farms as their profitability decreases. Your gift can support young entrepreneurs as they revive local farms with new ecologically viable techniques that increase income levels, dignity, and their standing within the community.
