
Congo – Capacity Building

Project Overview
Cause: Builld The Church
Location: Congo
Field Staff: Eugene Akondeng
Project Partner: CBCA

 The focus of this project is improving the capacities of CBCA human resources. Project activities include leadership and entrepreneurship training for youth, a scholarship for a medical student, training for accountants in the CBCA head office as well as in local churches, and supporting CBAC as it seeks to mobilize local resources through fundraising and budget reform. Each of these pieces of the project meets a need identified by CBAC to build sustainability and resiliency within the organization and the local churches.  

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Old Site Data

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Congo – Capacity Building

Project code: M2050
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
Total Project Budget:
Staff Profile Image

EugeneAkondengEugene Akondeng

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