
India – Partners Capacity Building & Networking

Project Overview
Cause: Builld The Church
Location: India
Field Staff: Kylah Lohnes
Project Partner: CBM-India

This project funds networking and exposure trips between partners in India. The goal of these trips is to allow partners to learn from one another, better comprehend integral mission in practice and expand their own capacity. Partners in rural and urban contexts each have unique skills, knowledge and experience that can benefit the other.  This project builds on the workshops led by CBM field staff by creating opportunities for field exposure visits between leadership and staff of CBM’s various partners in India. These visits and interactions facilitate networking and pave the way to capacity building, learning and networking between churches and organizations.  

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India – Partners Capacity Building & Networking

Project code: TD2605
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
Total Project Budget:
Staff Profile Image

KylahLohnesKylah Lohnes

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