
Kazakhstan – Job Skills for Recovering Addicts

Project Overview
Cause: Justice
Location: Kazakhstan
Field Staff: Kylah Lohnes
Project Partner: Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist - Kazakhst

This project supports the work of the “Path to Salvation” addiction recovery centre. Those struggling with drug or alcohol addictions can receive support and rehabilitation through this residential centre. They are also introduced to the gospel and those who believe in Jesus are integrated into a local church. Upon completion of the recovery program, many recovered addicts struggle to find employment due to the stigma against them. This project will support recovered addicts to receive training in window manufacturing and installation so that they can work at a business run by the reocvery centre or they can start their own businesses or work for other businesses. CBM’s funds are helping to cover some of the start-up costs for the recovery centre’s business. The local church is involved in this project by supporting the business through purchasing their services and promoting their work. The local church is also involved in financially supporting the addiction recovery centre.

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Kazakhstan – Job Skills for Recovering Addicts

Project code: TD3055
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
Total Project Budget:
Staff Profile Image

KylahLohnesKylah Lohnes

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