Polisi Kivava Ministry July 2022


After Covid-19 regulations were alleviated, I have been able to visit all partners since the beginning of this year. Visit to ACC&S in Kenya I visited Kenya in March to take part in the ACC&S peer capacity assessment. On the same occasion, CBM signed a new partnership agreement with ACC&S. On the same occasion, together with John Chan and Laura Muema, I attended the meeting of one of the VSLAs in the framework of the food security project. The project reaches out to school pupils to train them on CA as a way to reach also their parents, most of whom live on farming Visit to AEBR in Rwanda I took part in the research evaluation, which was organized jointly by AEBR and PDN, both partners of CFGB I also visited some farmers and appreciated the ownership of kitchen gardens. Visit to FEBAC in South Sudan The third visit took me to South Sudan, where I accompanied the implementation of two activities. First, I took part in the situation analysis for the new food security project in South Sudan implemented by FEBAC. Afterwards, I conducted a two days training workshop on leadership, resource mobilization and management for 39 pastors and leaders of FEBAC, after which the church held its second general assembly, during which they renewed their leadership. Rev. Saphano was re-elected as Church Moderator.