Gracious God:
You have invited all who are weary to come to you, to lay before you our burdens, and to take on your yoke of rest. So, I come.
I come bringing before you my wrestling heart.
Forgive my self-pity over the inconvenience of being home-bound and mask-adorned while basking in the comfort, safety and privilege of my circumstance.
Change my selfish heart to focus on those facing real hardship and devastation.
And widen my capacity to hold the bigger picture.
I come bringing before you those in our world who are the most vulnerable.
Hear their cries for peace and for security.
Heal all who are sick.
Deliver them from the anxiety of tomorrow.
Protect them from those who injure and kill.
Feed their children.
Make way for health through clean drinking water, medicines and vaccinations.
Prepare the land so that it may be able to produce food.
Comfort those who mourn.
And provide for them both through your miraculous ways and through us, your servants.
I come bringing before you our church partners in Africa – in South Sudan, in the DR Congo, in Kenya and in Rwanda.
Receive their worship of you, O God, for they know from whom all blessings flow.
Grant them wisdom to navigate the challenges that are before them.
Support their ministry initiatives.
Look after their leaders.
Care for the widows, the widowers and the orphans.
And protect their joy, optimism and kind-heartedness.
I come bringing before you our Canadian Baptist Christian witness in Canada and around the world.
Bestow on us generosity of spirit.
Honour the efforts of service done in your name.
Impart to us your direction.
Supply to us your Spirit’s fruits and gifts.
And furnish us with your companionship.
And I come bringing my desire to be your person in this place and at this time.
May it be so.
Carla Nelson