
Pray with Brenda Halk

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Brenda Halk

Brenda Halk is the Senior Associate for Strategic Projects with CBM’s International Partnerships team. She collaborates with Vennture (Faith & Work initiatives) and Women’s Initiatives, focusing on gender-related organizations.

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Hi, I am Brenda Halk and I “work” with Canadian Baptist Ministries. At other times in my life, I have worked in education, in business, at home as a mother and homemaker. I have worked as a caregiver, as a volunteer and I love to work in my garden, where even the simplest tasks like watering or weeding, remind me that we are called to work, to be co-creators with God. In Genesis 1 God calls us to care for his creation, to manage it. “Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and the animals that scurry along the ground.” God invites us to work in his creation so that humans will thrive, grow, and flourish. 

Today we pray for workers, whether paid or unpaid. We pray for those employed, those in search of employment, those who work in dark, unsafe, or unjust conditions, those on the frontline of a pandemic, and those whose work brings us hope, comfort, and refreshment in a weary world. We all work. Work is often hard, but it is good, for when work is done “for the Lord” with faith, hope and love, God delights in our work. Please see the prayer points listed below and pray with me today for all workers. May the work of our hands and heads and hearts, reflect God in all we do. 

Prayer Points:

Please pray: 

  1. For volunteers, caregivers, homemakers, parents, and all workers who give selflessly of time as they care for homes and family, churches, and communities. May they experience God’s rest and renewal and patience. 
  2. We pray for those who work in business, professions, the trades and for all those who engage in the marketplace each day. May they cast all their anxiety, fear of Covid on you. 
  3. Students and all learners – Pray as they cope with new ways of learning, and sharpen their minds and hearts so that they will learn to steward your creation well. 
  4. Pray for those who work in dark, unsafe, and unjust areas. May they experience the presence of the God of hope who brings joy and peace in all work. 
  5. Pray for front-line and healthcare workers, for protection, strength, and resilience during the pandemic. May they know that they are the hands and feet of Jesus to those they serve. 
  6. We pray for farmers and fishermen, for gardeners and those in food production, for all those who care for the earth; whose labour brings nourishment to our bodies. Pray for those whose work produces food but do not have enough food for themselves or their families. 
  7. For day workers whose daily wage brings dinner home to the family and whose work is uncertain and vulnerable to illness, lack of work and even transportation. Pray for good health, strength, and fair wages. 
  8. For those workers who are unemployed and underemployed, whose work does not provide a living wage. May they have hope, encouragement and support from friends and community. 
  9. Pray for musicians and artists and workers whose creative beauty brings hope, refreshment, and comfort to all who are weary. 

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