Hi there everyone, I am Dennis Shierman, Western Canadian Regional Representative for Canadian Baptist Ministries.
I am privileged to be a part of the Canadian engagement team that partners with churches across Canada. My role enables me to encourage and engage with about 200 churches here in the four Western provinces, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, as well as, Yukon, and Northwest Territories.
Thank you for your role in local and global missions and particularly your partnership with CBM and our partners in the many countries we minister in. Together through Word and Deed, we are helping to make a difference in the lives of many that are in desperate situations. Many are truly blessed.
We are grateful for the part many of you have played in feeding the hungry, educating children that would not otherwise have that opportunity, bringing hope and relief to many refugees, and helping to strengthen the church and train leaders to lead those churches.
Together we are bringing hope and Christ to a broken world in practical ways because of these partnerships.
It has been a difficult time over the past few years but there are two things that I am amazed and thankful for:
- The determination and resilience of our partners where we work. The issues that have faced the church like; COVID, shortage of food and food security, lack of schooling for children, and the need for trained leaders and pastors to lead the church. Many of our partners persevere and have the faith and hope that the Lord guides, leads and sustains them.
- Our Canada churches and partners. We have said it many times, but we would not be able to do this ministry if it was not for the faithfulness of our partners and churches here in Canada. Many have been dedicated to the call that the Lord has laid on your hearts as a church, and you have responded with love and kindness.
As we struggle now with what we face, trouble with worldwide financial challenges, shortages of all kinds, especially food, the decline of church attendance, how life should look as we inch our way past COVID and many crises in the world, we are stronger as we work together to meet these needs.
Blessings to you all.
Prayer Points:
Please pray:
- Pray that the worldwide church would continue being strong in the midst of great turmoil and uncertainty.
- For the broken and the injustice in the world, and how, we, as God’s people, would respond with generosity.
- For those that do not have enough to eat each day. May the Lord provide and bring stability and security to these people. Lord, use your church.
- For CBM and the many programs, and the people who are responsible for them. Also, pray for our global partners that are responding to the needs of the church and the broken throughout the world, and the many that are so desperate and need our help.
- For the generosity of many here in Canada that are responding with love from their hearts. Continue to bless them.