
Pray with Gato Munyamasoko

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Gato Munyamasoko

Gato Munyamasoko is CBM’s Africa Peace and Reconciliation Specialist.

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Father in Heaven,

I come before you in humility and in praise for you answer our prayers.

Dear God , We ask you for your wisdom as we work with partners in the field.

O God, I ask you to bless the work of peacebuilding and reconciliation in Congo so that people who are following teachings on different modules on peacebuilding will truly become catalysts of peace in the DRC.

I pray this ministry will continue to gain more supporters so that we could reach many people in conflict. We want to help more people to engage in reconciliation and peacebuilding in their areas of conflict to reduce violence.

I am also praying for the whole CBM organisation as it continues to bring hope to this broken world. May you continue to give more wisdom, strength and willingness to its leaders.

May you continue to also bless CBM’s partners and supporters in ministry so that the organisation will continue to have means for supporting vulnerable people around the world.

Heavenly Father, I pray also for my family, so that they will continue to be engaged in their faith. May you also guide them and help them in finishing their studies.

I am praying also for my daughter who was newly wed – that their marriage will be for your glory.

Thank you for hearing our prayer and for responding to our needs beyond our expectations.

We pray all this in Jesus’ name.


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