
Pray with Gato Munyamasoko

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Gato Munyamasoko

Gato Munyamasoko is CBM’s Africa Peace and Reconciliation Specialist.

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I am Gato Corneil Munyamasoko, and I serve as CBM’s Africa Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Specialist working in Rwanda, Congo, and South Sudan among CBM’s partners.

I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation for your continuous prayer and faithful support of CBM. Please pray for the pastors and district leaders as they attend training and lead peacebuilding activities. Pray for the participants of our peacebuilding programs. May they actively seek peace and reconciliation as they interact with their neighbours and communities. Pray that God will continue to give our partners strength and courage as they continue to serve in the midst of violence, poverty, and ongoing conflicts, especially in Eastern Congo and South Sudan.

Thank you, and may God bless you.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • Pray for this year’s Peacebuilding trainings. We plan to train 80 people from our partner, the CBCA, on nine modules from the Catalyst of Peace program this year.
  • With our partner, the CEBCE, We plan to train 87 youth representatives on 12 modules during the year. Pray that these trainings will be impactful and that the youth will be able to apply what they learn in their communities.
  • Due to the insecurity and war in Eastern Congo, we were not able to finish the training planned with 23 of CEBCE’s presidents of ecclesiastics districts. Pray for peace in the region so that we are able to complete the eight remaining modules this year.
  • I am organizing a retreat for two days with ten important CEBCE leaders and their spouses. Pray that they will engage with the material and apply what they learn in their positions of leadership.
  • Pray for me as I work with our partners to promote peace in places of conflict and instability. May God strengthen our work and bring His everlasting peace to the DRC, Rwanda, and South Sudan.

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