
Pray with Jennifer Lau

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Jennifer Lau

Jennifer Lau began her tenure as Executive Director in November 2020.

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Hello, thank you for your ongoing prayers for the staff and partners of CBM who are serving around the world. We are so thankful to the prayer warriors who undergird our work. We could not accomplish what we are able to without you, so please accept our deepest thanks. Today, I want to ask you to pray for three things related to the upcoming year.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • Our global church partners are so incredibly resilient. It is hard for us here in Canada to even imagine what it is like to be the Church in the circumstances that they must face each day. In the face of conict, disasters both natural and human made, and extreme human need, they continue faithfully being the hands and feet of Christ, sharing and living out the gospel in the most challenging circumstances imaginable. Please pray for local churches around the globe. Give thanks for how they are ministering to their communities in the most difficult circumstances, often with few resources.
  • CBM is actively in conversation with new partners, in countries where we feel God is opening up opportunities to come alongside the ministry of local churches on the ground. We were thrilled to begin a new ministry in Togo this year. There are several more on the horizon. Please pray for our new partners. As well, pray for CBM, as we navigate and discern where God is leading us in this next season.
  • The arrival of winter brings increased hardship for people in cold weather countries who must now accommodate the arrival frigid temperatures, including homeless people here in Canada. This is also true for refugees or displaced people in other places, including Ukraine, where there is unreliable electricity due to the war. Please pray for the dedicated men and women on the front lines of churches and other ministries serving people around the world through this winter. May God continue to protect the vulnerable and give us generous hearts to help wherever we can. Thank you again for your prayers.

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