
Pray with the Soucys

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Bruno and Kathleen Soucy

Bruno and Kathleen have served with CBM since 2006, first in Rwanda and now in Latin America, since 2014.

More from Bruno and Kathleen

Greetings from Guatemala during this Lenten season. Easter week (Semana Santa) is the largest and most significant Christian celebration in Guatemala. Anyone who has visited during this time of year will remember the spectacular alfombras – carpets of colourful flowers and dyed sawdust and other natural products that make up these beautiful displays laid down on the streets in preparation for the processionals depicting the life of Christ and his crucifixion during holy week. This will be the first time since the beginning of COVID that these public displays will be allowed. Holy Week which begins on Palm Sunday, is a wonderful opportunity to talk with people about Jesus.

As we collaborate with partners in Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Bolivia we ask that you pray for church leaders and for those who are living out their faith in their communities.

Prayer Points:

  • Please pray for Cuba and the Dominican Republic. While negative impacts from reduced attendance and church closures have been evident in some areas of Bolivia and Central America, we hear of a different reality in Cuba and the DR. In many communities there has been an increase in people coming to church, looking for connection and direction. In the DR, our partner friends report that youth in particular are coming to the churches with a desire to be in a community to learn and serve. Pray that the churches will be places of nourishment, and refreshment, where people, especially youth are changed on the inside because of the hope and peace that comes with a life lived with Jesus.
  • Pray for peace in El Salvador where there has been an increase in gang violence. Pray for our partners there as they support the local church to promote peace and justice in their communities.
  • In all of Latin America, please pray for students returning to classes after a long absence, for some more than 2 years – that they would continue to learn and that students who have given up on school would find their way back. Pray for families that continue to struggle economically to provide for their families and for the churches that are supporting communities to be more just.
  • Pray for Ukraine that the war would end, for unity among countries trying to help the enormous number of displaced people. We thank God for the faithfulness of our Bolivian partner churches and their generosity in providing funds for the Ukrainian relief efforts of CBM.

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