CBM’s camp educational mission resource gives campers the opportunity to learn about and engage in meaningful discussions about global social issues such as poverty and justice through games, fun activities and crafts and how to respond through God’s love.

Why are we supporting the Casa in Bolivia?
Casa de la Amistad (Friendship House) provides care for children and adolescents whose parent(s) are in prison. The Casa offers comprehensive care in education, health, food, psychological, and spiritual support to a population of at least 130 children/youth and 45 parents who will actively participate in all project activities. Children and youth receive programming in art, Bible stories, recreation, leadership training, health, and hygiene, in addition to receiving medical care, psychosocial support services, and healthy food. Parents who are able to participate in the programming are involved in Bible studies, family strengthening workshops, and quarterly informational meetings.
Teaching Guide: START HERE

Teaching Guide
This is a guideline of facts about the Dominican Republic, information about the Kids at Risk project, and details about all the resources created. There are also sample lessons to provide ideas of how to use this curriculum with your group and help make your session fun, interactive, and informative.
Cabin Devotional

Cabin Devotional
One cabin devotion is provided to encourage your campers to continue to be talking about and praying for our friends in the Dominican Republic.
Welcome to the Casa!
Global Field Staff Kallie Hutton takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Casa!
Introduction to Missions
Global Field Staff Kathryn Scott shares about her camp experience and how that led her to global mission work!
Bible Verse Reading
Latin America Program Officer Patty Nacho shares one of her favourite Bible Verses.
Lessons and Devotionals
2023 Camp Resources
Teaching Guide
This is a guideline of facts and information about Bolivia as well as the Casa de la Amistad. This also will give you details about all the resources created.

With these fun activities, your campers will build their knowledge of the Casa, Bolivia, and Spanish.

Word Search & Colouring Page PDF
Share this classic word search & colouring page activity with your campers.
With these fun games and activities your campers will be having fun and building their Smart Start knowledge.

Favourite Games at the Casa
Play hopscotch, tag, and soccer with your campers.

Spanish Phrases PDF
Help your campers learn some common Spanish phrases with this guide!

Casa Trivia Game
Test your campers’ knowledge of Bolivia and Casa de la Amistad!
Other Camp Resources
Smart Start
Camp Resources 2024
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