Peace and Reconciliation – Democratic Republic of Congo


This sustainable peacekeeping project for young people in Goma targets youth vulnerable to unemployment and violence. CBCA and CBM aim to empower young men and women and promote peace in communities through practical and entrepreneurial skills training. Support this project through financial contributions and prayer.

Peace and Reconciliation – Democratic Republic of Congo2021-10-20T11:46:56-04:00

Forum of Mission to Chinese in Germany (FMCD)


CBM works in partnership with a local organization called Forum of Mission to Chinese in Germany (FMCD), ministering to Chinese students in university towns to offer support and community to those studying abroad. Support this project with financial contributions and prayer.

Forum of Mission to Chinese in Germany (FMCD)2021-10-20T11:46:57-04:00

Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (LSESD)


CBM’s partner, the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (LSESD), seeks to build bridges between communities. Each of their ministries offers a unique opportunity to build relationships, share the gospel and demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God. Support this project with financial contributions and prayer.

Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (LSESD)2021-10-20T11:46:58-04:00

Africa Christian Church and Schools


Kenya: The Africa Christian Church and Schools (ACC&S) envisions communities enjoying life in abundance. It is committed to proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God and equipping people to realize their full potential. Support this project with financial contributions and prayer.

Africa Christian Church and Schools2022-03-23T11:28:50-04:00

Golden Triangle


Over the last four decades, Thailand has made remarkable progress in social and economic development, moving from a low-income to an upper middle-income country in less than a generation. However, the Golden Triangle (Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar) is one of the largest areas of illegal drug production and trafficking in the world.

Golden Triangle2024-01-22T13:22:32-05:00

South Sudan


Located in Northeast Africa, South Sudan is the world’s newest nation. South Sudan was affected by a severe famine in 2017 which caused many to flee to neighboring Sudan in search of food. Due to recent civil conflict and ethnic diversity, the Sudanese are immersed in insecurity, poverty, and division.

South Sudan2024-01-22T13:12:57-05:00



Lebanon has the highest per capita population of refugees in the world, which continues to put an enormous strain on social services, infrastructure and employment. While active conflict in Syria has decreased, there is pressure on displaced Syrians to return home, though many are not yet able to safely and voluntarily do so.




CBM’s history in Kenya has spanned decades covering a diverse set of ministries focused on integral mission. From long-term development and leadership training programs to emergency relief, CBM has partnered with the local church and community-based organizations.




India occupies the greater part of South Asia and is ranked the second-most populous country in the world, after China. Gross inequities are found in all regions of the country and overwhelming numbers continue to live in extreme poverty. CBM was among the first mission organizations to devolve properties and leadership positions to the national church in India and Bolivia.

