
Pray with Michael Waddell

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Michael Waddell

Michael Waddell is the Team Lead for Marketplace Engagement at CBM, working under the Canadian Partnerships department.

More from Michael

Hello everyone!  My name is Michael Waddell, and I serve as Senior Associate for Faith + Work, and I oversee all CBM’s work in the Philippines with our partners there.

I’d like to begin by saying ‘thank you’ on behalf of all of us at CBM, for your ongoing prayer support for CBM and our partners.  Through your prayer, you are actively participating in the work of CBM around the world with our network of church partners.

As the school year winds down here in Canada and the summer season begins, we’re keeping our attention on the importance of education, and from June 19th to 26th, we’re inviting people all over Canada to get Active in Mission.  Would you please be praying for this event, that together we’ll reach our target of raising $60,000 so that we can provide much-needed support to our partners in nine countries who are providing educational programming for children?   I’d also like to invite you to be praying for the safety of students here in Canada and in many other countries around the world, who are participating in graduation ceremonies and prom celebrations over the next couple of weeks.

In addition to education, I’d also like to ask you to pray for CBM’s Faith + Work initiatives in India and the Philippines.  The global pandemic, as well as other global economic factors, continues to create both challenges and opportunities for these business initiatives.  Please pray that they will make the necessary adjustments to deal with the changing business environments in their respective regions so they can continue to impact lives and transform communities.

Below, you will find a full list of prayer points that you can use as a guide this week.

Thanks again for praying and may God bless you and the work of your hands and your minds this week!

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • Please be praying for everyone who is preparing to get Active in Mission this June 19th to 26th in support of CBM’s educational programs with our partners in nine different countries. Our goal is to raise $60,000 in support of these programs so that kids can keep learning and hope for a better future.
  • Here in Canada, we are in the middle of high school graduation season. Please pray for all the graduates as they mark this significant milestone in their lives, and as they prepare to take the ‘next steps’ towards their educational goals or work plans.  Pray also, for safety as they attend graduation services and prom celebrations.
  • Please pray for our international partners as the 2nd quarter of 2022 wraps ups. Most projects and initiatives are now in full swing.  Please pray that the intended results would be realized and that those being served would experience hope and healing.  Pray also for all the project staff and volunteers who tirelessly work to serve the needs of the poor and vulnerable.  May they be encouraged in their work.
  • Please pray for our partners in India and the Philippines as they carry out Faith + Work initiatives that aim to bring glory to God, provide meaningful employment for individuals, and produce needed products and services that will lead to human flourishing and sustainable community transformation.
  • Please be praying for CBM field staff in Africa and Latin America who are working towards a Certificate in Marketplace Transformation with CBM’s partner, the Institute for Marketplace Transformation (IMT). Pray that what they learn will help shape their future work and lead to new opportunities to engage with partners in, to, and through the marketplace.

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