
Pray with Polisi Kivava

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Polisi Kivava

Polisi Kivava joined CBM as a Relief and Development Specialist in 2019.

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Hello friends, This is Polisi Kivava Baudouin, Relief and Development Specialist in the CBM Africa Region. After some challenges due to the Covid-19 outbreak and violence in many parts of Africa, things have gone more smoothly this year. I was able to visit all partners in DRC, Rwanda, Kenya and South Sudan, and very soon, I will be able to see our new partner, the Baptist Convention of Togo. Also, the recent visit of Adrian Gartner and Robin Clark from CBM in the Africa Region and their meetings with most of the partners’ leadership has been very encouraging both for the partners and the CBM Africa team. Even the weather was friendly, and our farmers in Kenya had a good harvest after three consecutive seasons of drought. I believe it is thanks to your prayers that things have gone well.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • The DRC is preparing for general elections at the end of this year. In the feverish context of Africa today, with movements rising in some countries such as Niger, please pray that those elections might end peacefully and that God may be able to show us the people he has selected to lead this country according to his will.
  • Partners are planning projects for the year 2024. Let us pray that the projects they will select meet the needs of beneficiaries under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of God’s name.
  • Some months ago, I could not complete my mission in South Sudan because of violence that broke out in Malakal, where I was supposed to visit the food security and livelihood project and facilitate a training workshop on leadership and self-reliance. Let us pray for peace so that the program may continue as planned so that our people can use their potential for their well-being in line with integral mission.
  • Two of our partners, the CBCA and the CEBCE, are preparing to hold their annual general assemblies before the end of this year. Let us pray that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit so that all the decisions they make may contribute to advancing the Kingdom of God.

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