
Pray with Bill and Janice Dyck

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Bill and Janice Dyck

Bill and Janice Dyck focus on discipleship and theological education in Latin America, facilitated through virtual meetings and annual visits.

More from Bill and Janice

A warm hello to all of you who faithfully pray for CBM’s ministry. We are Bill and Janice Dyck.

Our ministry focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean, so we’d like to give you an update on highlights from the year that was and opportunities for the coming year.

Anyone who knows me (Janice), knows that music is what gives me life. Beginning to teach my students at the Emmanuel Foundation again has given me new life. A personal visit to Bolivia in November: to meet my students again, teach in person, on my old piano (which they now own), and play for them, was the highlight of my year. Recently, we’ve been getting reports of children being sick with “bad colds.”

I (Bill) was quite uncertain of how the Pastoring of Pastors groups would fair in 2022, but I have been really encouraged by how leadership in Bolivia and Guatemala have stepped up to the plate. The highlight of the year for Bolivia, was a two-day retreat in November, that we were able to participate in in-person, attended by 80 pastors and church leaders. God’s presence was clearly felt. The interest in Pastoring of Pastors has also continued to grow in Guatemala, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and Cuba.

The clear highlight of 2022 has been being able to meet people in person again. A trip to Guatemala and El Salvador in June and July allowed me (Bill) to meet 14 groups in 10 days. The 3 week trip to Bolivia in October/November was both a homecoming and farewell, but not an “adios” (final good-bye), more of an “hasta luego” (until later).

If 2022 sets us on a trajectory into 2023, then we have more to look forward to. Leaders in Cuba are already asking about forming Pastoring of Pastors groups. More trips are being considered to Cuba, Dominican Republic for next year. Theological transformation workshops in El Salvador and Guatemala, begun in June of 2022 are waiting to be followed up on. In addition to discipleship, I (Bill) keep reading up on work as mission, creation care, integral mission, and transforming theological education, so who knows what opportunities 2023 will bring.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • For the holiday season, and “Summer” vacation time in Latin America. For pastors during the busy Christmas season, for health, for their vacations, and for activities as they start up again at the end of January and beginning of February. Pastoral transitions and new placements happen at this time as well. This can be stressful for pastoral families and churches. Pray that the felt spiritual, emotional, and professional needs would continue to be met by the Discipleship and Pastoring of pastors groups.
  • As flu season hits, pray for the children at the Jireh project, La Casa de la Amistad, and the Emmanuel Foundation. Pray especially for Laurita, at the Emmanuel Foundation, who is coping with leukemia.
  • Pray for our partners in Cuba. They have endured a hurricane, Covid, and severe economic hardship this year. Pray for hope in 2023 and improvement in their circumstances.
  • Pray for fellow team members: Bruno and Kathleen Soucy, Patty Nacho, Tim and Kallie Hutton, and especially Kathryn Scott who is new—adjusting to learning the language and culture in Guatemala. We trust you’ve been blessed during your Christmas celebrations and gatherings. We wish you all a happy, blessed, New Year!

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