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Gato Munyamasoko Ministry Update November 2021

2022-08-12T11:55:42-04:00Tags: , , , , , |

It is now one year and eleven months since I was sent by CBM to work with a new partner in Congo which is called “Baptist Churches Community in Eastern Congo”. This denomination had been split in two since 1997 until 2018 due to ethnic conflict where one group was called the majority and the second group the minority.

Our Work


CBM AT A GLANCE We respond together. As a global mission organization, we are committed to expressing God’s love through word and deed. We believe that God brings hope, healing and

Help – Weep for South Sudan

2019-01-15T10:43:54-05:00Tags: , , , , , |

Cries of celebration filled the land when the new nation of South Sudan officially came into existence on July 9, 2011. Six years later, tears of joy have turned to sorrow as the country has been torn apart by fighting, suffering and now famine. After such a hopeful start, what went so horribly wrong.
