Ministry Update

Komaravalli Ministry Update April 2020

Ministry Update

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Suraj Komaravalli

Suraj Komaravalli is CBM’s Asia Team Leader. He first joined CBM in 2008 as a Theological Education Consultant with the India Strategy Team.

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A Few CBM Ministerial Highlights in India

So the Word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.

Acts 19:20

On 12 Mar 2020, the Convention of Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars (CBCNC), Andhra Pradesh, India, celebrated 146 years of CBM mission work among the Telugus. Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS), Kakinada, and many Baptist churches remembered CBM’s initiation and sacrificial services of CBM Missionaries in bringing the gospel on 12 Mar 1874 to the Dalits (crushed or suppressed people). Special prayers were offered at the CBM Cemetery, BTS chapel and Baptist churches for CBM, the families of CBM Missionaries and the Baptist churches in Canada. Today the CBCNC church has grown mightily and is prevailing although some of their challenges are schisms.

Elim Compassion Ministries (ECM) Computer Center was dedicated to the Lord on 8 Feb 2020. ECM has set up this computer center under the CBM-ECM project TD2600 – Women and Children Empowerment Program, to train youth to earn a PG Diploma in Computers. The intention is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in creating jobs and businesses for the less privilege youth of the Christian fold and people of other faith. Kindly note old to new building in 3 weeks.

I visited Churachanpur, Manipur, from 28 Feb – 2 Mar 2020, for possible partnership with Gangte Baptist Association. We pray and wait upon the Lord’s direction.

Covid–19: A Test of Humanity

One of the virtues of Humanity is the ability to love and have compassion, which for Christians is faith and witness – Do to others as you would have them do to you (Lk 6:31); . . . Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another (Jn 13:34). This virtue of humanity was put to test in India when “India lockdown” from 22 March – 14 April was announced without prior notice, although my State started from 12 March. Social distancing became the norm – not just prescribed physical distance measurements but self-isolation from one another except for family members. We are only allowed to go out within two kilometers radius during specific times for essentials (groceries and medicines). India took this strong decision with good intentions, as the country with limited medical facilities would face gigantic challenges if they had to cater to a large affected number. Remember India has 1.3 billion people.

Lockdown, especially shook most of the rich and the middle class of their belief in worldly securities – power, authority, money, consumerism, the “I” and so on. However, millions of poor daily wage migrant workers were the worst affected. The sudden halt of public transportation turned the lives of the migrant workers upside down. They had no other way but to travel back to their villages on foot for days with very little food, not before many facing State border-crossing hardships. They were more like refugees in their own country! Some were lucky to get buses and private transport. Many fell sick, many probably exposed to COVID-19, few died and many carry the trauma, fear and uncertainty of living after the lockdown.

Prayer Requests

  • To value commitment, faith, family, fellowship, discipline, humility, love and compassion; and to prune our limitations of laziness, indiscipline, ego, arrogance, false securities, casual and taken for granted attitude.
  • For India Partners whose Project Activities have been rescheduled and for their protection when, for example, many families in Odisha due to poverty do not even have access to soap.
  • To thank God for creation healing – we are able to see new species of birds, animals and repair of ecological imbalance. A realization of taking over their space!
  • To thank God for the medical staff and other personal who serve the COVID-19 positives and that our Lord would continue to protect them.
  • For the value to worship God in Spirit and Truth.
  • For the Indian Church to show love and compassion to the poor migrants and daily wageworkers who are broken.
  • For my ministerial support so that I could continue to serve through CBM in India. If the Lord leads you, please directly contact CBM Mississauga office for details.

Thank you – stay home and God bless.

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