Ministry Update

Laura Muema Ministry Update November 2022

Ministry Update

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Laura Muema

Laura serves alongside the Africa team, contributing to CBM’s overall ministry in the areas of family ministries, social support for vulnerable children, gender equity and empowering women.

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Greetings From Kenya

Greetings, friends and supporters. I trust that you are well. I am well, and my family is too. I thank God for how far He has brought us. It has been an incredible nine months working for CBM. I have been able to create a good working relationship with our partners in Africa; The ACC&S, CBCA, CEBCE, AEBR and FEBAC. In those months, I have felt the power of prayer and support from Canadian Churches and colleagues from around the world. I want to express my gratitude to the Canadian Staff in the office in Canada, my team leader and colleagues from the African team. Your support in induction, advice, training and encouragement in self-care has been a blessing and encouragement to me. May our Almighty God continue to bless you as you support my ministry.

Family Updates:

I have been married to Kennedy Mumanyi for 11 years. Kennedy works for the Coca Cola Company- Nairobi Bottlers Limited, as the route to market manager. We have been blessed with three daughters; Sophia -10 years old, Nicole-7 years old and our new addition to the family, Ella – 1 and a half years old. Sophia and Nicole go to Newlight Komarock primary school here in Nairobi, just a few metres from where we live, and Little Ella is just enjoying the little steps and mischiefs of a toddler, quite a handful, that one! We count our blessings through our little girls; God has indeed blessed us.

Recently my dad experienced Kidney failure along with other life-threatening complications, but by God’s grace was able to start dialysis and is getting better with each passing day. It has indeed been a difficult period for us as a family in terms of time and finances, but we thank God for the improvement in his health, and we are trusting God for total healing and health restoration.

Ministry Updates

I come alongside CBM church Partners in the implementation of joint projects, resource Partners’ staff and CBM colleagues in project monitoring and evaluation. I also work with the CBM team and Partners to host Canadian SENT teams in the field. My areas of specialization are Gender, Women, Youth and Children. I have formed good working relationships with our partners in the past months. Their acceptance and willingness to work with me have helped me learn and understand my role in the ministry at CBM. Partners have willingly met with me, called, and connected virtually and physically to update me on their work and progress in areas of gender, Children, women, youth and family ministry.

Partners have pointed out matters of gaps in training or capacity. At the moment, I am preparing to have small sessions with them to help them build their capacity in areas of basic assessment, monitoring and evaluation. I have connected with all of our partners in Africa and received updates on women’s projects in Rwanda, Kenya and Congo. Women are being empowered in the areas of adult literacy, self-help and small-scale farming. Orphaned and Vulnerable children are supported in educational, spiritual, and psychological matters.

The CEBCE recently had a children’s retreat with the aim of “Cleaning” up the negative mindset installed in the young children, especially boys, by rebels and militia, that all matters must be resolved by violence. ACC&S has a mentorship project that reaches out to both primary school-going girls and boys in GIturu, Ndakaini, Mwarano and Kigumo areas.

I have been able to visit all the schools these past months and have seen the children get sanitary kits and underwear. They have also been taken through sessions about self-esteem, self-worth and self-awareness. During my time with the ACC&S partner, I have also met men, women and Children practicing modern farming in Embu, Kenya. They grow trees, till, and care for their farms using modern farming methods and the children are involved in 4K agricultural clubs where they learn how to be better farmers and best care for the environment.

I have not hosted any SENT teams yet. Still, we had a wonderful time with John and Julia visiting Kenya in March and spending time with our Partners, ACC&S, AEBR and FEBAC, during the ACC&S. During their visit we celebrated CBM’s 52nd partnership anniversary and hosted Peer Capacity Assesment in Kenya.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for peace in countries experiencing conflict and unrest – (Congo). Pray for the war situation between M23 rebels and government forces that continues to claim lives in eastern DRC. Also, pray for the women victims who are raped in the war. Many do not have access to medical care and are abandoned to their sad fate. Several families displaced from their villages spend nights in classrooms, and others sleep under trees without water or food.
  • Prayer for knowledge, wisdom and understanding while working with Local churches and partners’ staff.
  • Pray for SENT teams – for guidance, provision and protection as travels open up and missions resume.

I am grateful for all the support, love and prayers from churches in Canada and my colleagues at CBM. I am sincerely blessed and encouraged to have your prayerful support of my ministry serving at CBM and your prayers for my personal and family needs. May God’s blessings always be with you!

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