Ministry Update

Kathryn Scott Ministry Update August 2023

Ministry Update

4 min

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Kathryn Scott

Kathryn Scott serves as Field Staff in the Dominican Republic. Joining CBM in 2022, Kathryn plays a vital role within the Latin America team.

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Dios les bendiga! God bless you all. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I am so thankful for your faithfulness to keep myself and our partners in your prayers. I have seen the difference your prayers have made as I continue to learn and serve.

It is amazing how quickly time passes and all that can happen in just a few months. As I sit in New Brunswick, having a time of visiting churches and preparing for the transition to the Dominican Republic, I am thankful for all the different experiences I have had over the last number of months.

Ministry/Project Update:

Since my last update in March, so much has happened! Two SENT teams came to the Dominican Republic from Crandall University in April and May. I had a chance to focus on language learning in June while in Guatemala. I also had the chance to attend IBAREDO’s annual summer camp in the DR in July. I recently visited a couple of churches in New Brunswick and attended CBAC’s Oasis.

I loved being able to spend a month in the Dominican Republic with our partner as we hosted two teams! SENT teams have been some of my favourite parts of my first year of ministry with CBM. I really enjoy getting to know the participants on these trips and walking with them as they experience new things! These teams participated in youth days, children’s ministry, painting and construction projects, small groups, Sunday services, and so much more. I pray that these experiences continue to be valuable for these students as they learn, grow, and continue to serve in their communities and churches. I pray that these trips continue to be an encouragement to our partners in the DR and the communities that were visited.

I’m thankful to have participated in IBAREDO’s Campamento Rompe Muros summer camp for 3 days in July. I was part of the planning committee for the Youth Camp and also one of the leaders for girls ages 16-20.

I love camping ministry, particularly how discipleship takes place and how the Lord always draws near to us. I also learned more about the context of camping ministry in the DR and loved making new connections with different leaders, as well as strengthening the relationships I already had. This was a summer camp for all of IBAREDO, so I was able to see people I had met from each of the locations the SENT teams had visited. What a wonderful time and I am continuing to pray for all who were involved that they would apply what they learned in their own communities.

Finally, I am thankful for more focused time of language learning. I appreciate the 6 different teachers that worked with me during my time in Guatemala. I value the conversations we’ve had. They shared their lives and culture with me and helped me to grow, giving me the tools to continue my journey speaking Spanish.

Prayer Requests

Please be praying for:

  • My time in Canada. I am excited to be sharing in churches about my first year of ministry! I look forward to spending some time with friends and family during this transition time. 
  • My transition to the Dominican Republic. I am so excited to be moving to the DR and walking alongside IBAREDO. Please be praying as I move, build community, and start ministry there. 
  • My ability to speak and work in Spanish. That I would continue to use what I have learned and speak with increasing fluidity. 
  • For IBAREDO as they work in their communities being the salt and light of Christ.
  • For the preparations and planning of the SENT teams that will be coming to the DR in 2024.

This year, Psalm 34 has been a chapter that I have often read and been reminded of. It was a comfort in times of joy and in difficulties. I encourage you to take some time to read that text and be reminded that the Lord is good, He draws near, and He is worthy of praise. I am so thankful for the ways God is at work in my life, in the DR, in Canada, and all around the world.

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