

On the continent of Africa, we are in the midst of the worst hunger crisis in decades. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine have caused sky-rocketing food prices. Russia and Ukraine are key players in the global agricultural trade, and fourteen African countries




In Bolivia, my country is doing its best to recover from the global pandemic. While cases remain relatively low, the economic impact of COVID-19 is being felt by many. Economists indicate that at any time, the government may stop absorbing the rise in product prices and a drastic increase in costs is feared.


Central America & The Caribbean


In Latin America and the Caribbean, poverty and inequality remain key concerns as inflation rises. The most vulnerable groups in the region are being hit hard by the increase in food and energy prices, while also struggling to recover from the economic impact of the pandemic. COVID-19 has left a legacy of death,

Central America & The Caribbean2022-09-01T14:30:51-04:00

Get to Know Kathryn Scott


Kathryn will be joining the Latin America team, contributing to CBM’s overall ministry in the region. Her role will initially focus on language learning, while also supporting CBM’s partners in Central America.

Get to Know Kathryn Scott2022-08-25T10:09:45-04:00

Get to Know the Huttons


The Huttons serve alongside CBM’s partners, the Bolivian Baptist Union (UBB) and its development arm OBADES, to build and support effective ministries. These include caring for vulnerable children and women, promoting local economic development, health care initiatives, food security, and responsible environmental practices.

Get to Know the Huttons2022-08-25T10:09:22-04:00

Get to Know the Bustins


The Bustins joined CBM in 2002 to teach at the Kalimantan Theological Seminary in Pontianak, Indonesia, where they helped to train and mentor future leaders for local churches. They moved to Rwanda in August 2012 to work with CBM’s church partner, the Association of Baptist Churches of Rwanda.

Get to Know the Bustins2022-08-25T10:08:57-04:00

Get to Know Byron Velásquez


Byron serves alongside the Latin America team, supporting CBM’s overall success in the areas of Integral Mission and Global Discipleship by facilitating venues for instruction & dialogue, and by organizing and facilitating SENT trips in Guatemala & El Salvador, to reinforce partnership agreements and local ministry strategies.

Get to Know Byron Velásquez2022-08-25T10:07:58-04:00
