Ministry Update

Kwok Ministry Update June 2023

Ministry Update

4 min

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Conrad and Fiona Kwok

Conrad and Fiona Kwok serve as Senior Associates of Chinese Ministries within the Canadian Partnerships Department. They help connect CBM ministries with Canadian churches by building deeper relationships and exploring SENT opportunities.

More from Conrad and Fiona

Dear Friends,

Greetings from the Kwoks! We hope this email finds you well and that you have started enjoying the spring and summer.

Ministry/Project Update

After three long years of the pandemic, the border of Thailand and Myanmar finally re-opened in February. Because of the re-opening of the border, our partner, Bethel Bible Theological Institute, was able to hold an in-person graduation ceremony. It was a combined graduation for 2021 to 2023 graduates. There was a total of 70 students crossing the stage Praise the Lord.

Conrad arrived in Myanmar on May 11. Due to Fiona’s leg issue, she did not go with Conrad. However, our national field staff, Joseph, will be with Conrad for the entire trip. Conrad is visiting alumni, CBM projects, and organizations such as the Baptist Convention to explore future needs and ministry possibilities.

Unfortunately, the Myanmar government has banned the entry of foreigners into Lashio, one of the three cities/regions that was on the schedule. A change of plan is needed. We will give you another report in the next update. Please pray for him and Joseph.

We have started a new project with Hope Baptist Church in Yangon, Myanmar, called “Thread of Hope”. Due to Covid and political unrest in Myanmar, many factories and workplaces were shut down leading to widespread unemployment. Women have few job opportunities in Myanmar because of their lack of employable skills. By learning how to sew, women increase their employment prospects or can work from home and earn a decent living. As a result, women will be able to send their children to school and support the family. The main goal of this project is to empower women to make a positive impact in their families and communities. CBM helps to supply the sewing machines and set up the training centre so that women can come together to learn.

As for our Germany team, in 2023, we have made a more strategic move and re-allocated our staff. Instead of serving in four cities, we are now serving in three cities. We believe this is a right move, the 3 cities (Gottingen, Marburg, and Kassel) are closer together, therefore, our Germany team can work closer and support each other in a better way. As an example, since February of this year, Philipp and XiaoDan from Marburg have gone to Gottingen to lead a youth and children’s ministry once a month.

In Canada, Conrad and Fiona continue to network with churches. Below are a few highlights:

In the months of March and April, they both spoke at a special church Sunday school program about “MISSION” through Zoom. There were over 100 attendees each time.

Fiona continues to serve in the Perspective Chinese Committee. A new class is being prepared for the months of July to October.

Conrad has been invited to speak at a church Mission conference in September.

Family Update

Our two granddaughters are growing so fast. Chloe is going to turn 2 in June and Sullivan is already 15 months old. They bring us a lot of joy every time we see them. Both our children’s families are doing well.

In the last few months Fiona has been suffering from pain and numbness in her right leg and foot. The doctor sent her for an MRI to determine the cause on May 21. Conrad is doing fine other than a bit of back pain. Thank you for your continuous prayer support.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Conrad and Joseph as they travel in Myanmar. May God guide them and give them wisdom as they navigate all the sudden changes to their plans. May God grant them good health and safety.
  • Please pray for our Chinese Ministries Team. May God continue to grant them wisdom and good health to serve.
  • Please pray for CBM as we are celebrating our 150th anniversary next year. May God continue to use CBM to serve this broken world through word and deed.

Closing Greetings

Thank you for your continuous support both in prayer and financially.

We will be very happy to receive a few words from you. Please do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or would like to know more about our ministry.

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