Ministry Update

Kwok Ministry Update September 2021

Ministry Update

6 min

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Conrad and Fiona Kwok

Conrad and Fiona Kwok serve as Senior Associates of Chinese Ministries within the Canadian Partnerships Department. They help connect CBM ministries with Canadian churches by building deeper relationships and exploring SENT opportunities.

More from Conrad and Fiona

Dear friends,

It’s hard to believe that it’s already September. It has been 4 months since we arrived back in Canada. In the last four months, we have been trying to settle in and adapt to our new life in Toronto. There is “reverse culture shock”, which we are gradually adapting to. Praise the Lord, we finally moved into our own place this week after staying with our son and daughter-in-law for the last few months. It is time to bring you some updates about our Chinese Ministry Team.

The Golden Triangle Region – Myanmar Updates

The Situation
Since the coup happened in February, Myanmar is in a dark stage. The protests have led to a lot of deaths. We have recently learned from pastors and alumni of TBTI that more and more young people are now using drugs because many of them have lost hope for the future. The political situation has led people to flee their homes, while others do not have jobs, food, or money. The situation has created a lot of refugees. Civil wars are happening in different parts of Myanmar. At the same time, COVID is getting worse. There is insufficient testing so many people have died from the virus. We have received updates from our Field Staff last week
that over 100 pastors have died due to COVID. Pastors and churches tried to help and visit families in need; therefore, they became vulnerable to contracting the virus. In Myanmar, there are not enough hospitals, oxygen, doctors, and front-line medical workers. Many of the doctors and medical workers are on strike against the military government so this only worsens the situation.

Our Actions
Through our field staff, Joseph and Lilian, and alumni of TBTI, CBM sent emergency relief funds to help refugees and COVID patients. These funds will provide food, medical supplies, and oxygen tanks, etc. We hope this will bring help and comfort to the families in need and encouragement to our front-line workers (pastors and alumni of TBTI). We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you to those who have donated to these funds. It means a lot to those families who are in need. 

Since March, Joseph has also organised a weekly national prayer meeting for Myanmar on Zoom and now it has been expanded internationally. Brothers and sisters join the meeting from different parts of the world. Since it is on Zoom, we are also able to join from time to time. Conrad has shared messages to encourage the pastors and our alumni.

Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray for Myanmar, may God’s will be done upon this suffering country. May this also be an opportunity to share the gospel and may many people turn to God for comfort and help. May the name of Jesus Christ be lifted high. Please also pray for our field staff as they minister and support workers in Myanmar.

The Golden Triangle Region – Thailand Updates

Recently the COVID situation in Thailand has become very serious. There are not enough vaccines. The government has given people a choice to pay for their own vaccine in advance. The government will collect the money and then go to purchase the vaccines, even though they still do not know when the vaccines will arrive. The government indicated that they may arrive at the beginning of 2022. Last week we learned that COVID hotspots are around the Bangkok area. There is too much stress on the medical system there so the government is going to send COVID patients to hospitals in different provinces, which makes other provinces very nervous.

The border between Thailand and Myanmar is still closed so the TBTI students from Myanmar are still unable to come back to school. Due to the COVID situation, even the students from Thailand are only taking online courses. The school is closed to the public.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for our partner, TBTI, the students and all the teachers. May God grant them wisdom to persevere through this tough time. Please also pray for our field staff, may God keep them and give them good health before the vaccines arrive.

Germany Updates

COVID has affected the enrolment of Chinese students from China in Germany. It has also affected students who want to stay in Germany after graduation. This has made outreach to students and families much more difficult. However, our field staff continues to work hard and plan for different activities (e.g. change to a Chinese-speaking doctor instead of a German doctor so that they may meet more Chinese families at the doctor’s office), the goal is to reach out to more unchurched students and families.

Praise the Lord, because of the online services, the Chinese Ministries Team is able to help each other by sharing the pulpit and collaborating among our different fields.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for our Germany team. Pray for good health, wisdom in their ministries, and their families as one of the staff just got married in April and the other staff added a new baby to the family in March.

Hong Kong/China Updates

Due to religious and COVID restrictions in China, physical ministries have been stalled for the time being. Our staff is unable to travel to China at the present moment. Zoom or video conferencing has become more important for the ministries as training and fellowship have to be put online. Praise the Lord, we are still able to continue the work in this way.

Prayer Requests

Please pray that God’s will be done and that the door will be opened very soon so that we may be able to visit in person.

Personal Updates and Prayer Requests

  1. In June, we became grandparents for the first time. Our daughter Elaine gave birth to our granddaughter Chloe. Praise the Lord! Chloe is a healthy and happy baby. Watching her grow, we are in awe of God’s creation.
  2. Please pray for our family, Terrance, Michelle, Michael, Elaine, and Chloe. Pray for good health and spiritual growth in the Lord.
  3. A week ago, we moved into a condo in downtown Toronto. Please continue to pray for us as we adapt to our new life in Canada.
  4. Please pray for our continuous work and ministry with CBM. Pray that traveling will resume so that we may visit the fields as soon as possible.
  5. If you would like us to come visit and speak either online or in-person at your church, please contact us at or, we are more than happy to come and share God’s work with you.

Thank you for your continuous support.

In Christ,

Conrad & Fiona Kwok

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