Ministry Update

Emad and Almess Botros Ministry Update February 2024

Ministry Update

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Emad and Almess Botros

In 2015, Emad and Almess Botros joined CBM to serve at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) in Lebanon, where they first met and studied.

More from Emad and Almess

Many unexpected events took place in our life as a family in the last few months. To begin, Timothy, our oldest son, decided to start his university here in Lebanon, instead of Canada! The university is not that far from home, and we are glad to have Timmy staying with us. Please pray for God’s guidance and leadership throughout the process of choosing his major by the end of this academic year.  

Another unexpected challenge is the current war between Israel and Hamas and its serious impacts on the region. The Lebanese people are afraid of a full-scale war at the border between Israel and Lebanon. There is a strong sense of instability, and a high level of anxiety. We feel as if the whole country is paralyzed.

As a family, we are safe. Of course, we are not better than anyone else in the country. We share the same symptoms that everyone else experiences during such uncertain times. Life goes on by God’s grace, and by the prayers and support we receive from many of you

Ministry Update

Indeed, we need to learn how to adjust as we serve God in such difficult times. This is not an easy task, which I address fully in my recent blog, Whether or Not to Adjust: Living through Tension while Teaching in the Middle East.

It is very encouraging though to see how God is working in the lives of our students despite all the challenges we are all going through. These testimonies are a source of encouragement amid despair. Each year, the Lord blesses us with a new cohort of believers called to be equipped for effective ministry through the Arab Church. These men and women come from across the Arab world and its diasporas, carrying with them stories of God’s dealings in their lives and the callings that the Lord has entrusted them with. As we hear their testimonies, it is always encouraging for us to see how the Lord works through their lives and ministries. Here is one of them, Zouhir from Algeria.

I come from a large non-Christian family. When I was younger, I would always try to carry out my religious duties so that I could get closer to God, but more and more I realized that I had gotten to a place where my life felt empty and full of sadness. I had grown up watching a lot of Western movies, and I was always captivated by how simply people talked to God in those movies, so I adopted direct prayer from a young age, and I was always curious to read scripture from other religions. I said this to a friend in school, and the next day he brought his brother over to talk to me about Christ. I would ask questions, and the man would talk, and bit by bit I became convinced. At the end of the conversation, I gave my life to Christ. In that moment, I finally felt like my life had meaning, and I was overwhelmed by joy and gratitude that I had never experienced before. When I came to Christ, the Church in Algeria was witnessing a revival, and I was blessed to be part of the work of the Holy Spirit back then. I currently serve with my church and with the Bible school here in Algeria through teaching. I feel called to teach theology. I first came to ABTS because I had a deep desire to know more about the word of God. My journey began with the online Certificate in Ministry program, and I am thankful that I can continue now toward a Bachelor of Theology.”  

Zouhir is asking us to pray for the Church in Algeria, that the Lord gives their leadership wisdom to navigate the difficulties they are facing. Pray for Zouhir, that the Lord helps him balance between family, ministry, and studying responsibilities. Also, pray for his wife and kids, that the Lord blesses them in all that they do. 

Pastors’ Family Retreat in Egypt

Last December, the Egyptian Baptist Convention in partnership with CBM, held a pastors’ family retreat, where we had about 120 people attend, including pastors, their wives and children. The purpose was to provide space and time for the pastors and their families to be refreshed while learning how to manage stress in ministry and prioritize their families.

During this retreat, we had a special time with the wives of these pastors to discuss how to overcome stress, manage their families, provide proper support to their husband, and discern their own calling.

At the end of our time together, there was a sense of unity, joy, and rest. We also had a “renewal covenant” ceremony, where each family gathered to pray for each other and renew their commitment to one another. It was so good to have Almess and the boys there as well.

Prayer requests 

  • We praise God for the growth we have seen in the lives of our children as they served the Lord in different capacities over the last few months.   
  • Pray for a divine wisdom, power, and strength for the Leadership of the Egyptian Baptist Convention as they begin the new year with new dreams, plans, and hopes. May our Lord lead their steps as they work towards enabling local churches to accomplish their mission.  
  • Almess and I continue with our teaching ministry. Pray for our students to grow in their knowledge and experience of God’s presence in their lives and ministry. 
  • We ask you to continue praying for peace in Lebanon. The war at the border is getting more tense every day and this makes us as a family, and the whole country, feeling anxious all the time. 

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