Ministry Update

Patty Nacho Ministry Update March 2024

Ministry Update

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Patty Nacho

Patricia "Patty" Nacho Vargas is the Team Leader for Latin America in the International Partnership Department at CBM. She oversees initiatives across five countries: Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, the Caribbean and the Dominican Republic.

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Warm greetings from Bolivia!

My name is Patty Nacho and I serve from Bolivia as a Program Officer for Latin America.

The beginning of this year has been, as the saying goes, “full steam ahead”. Our partners in all five countries have been diligently planning the work they will do in the different communities they serve. There has been a lot to do, but it is good that to date 99% have already started running these programs in February.

Since 2023 our partners have been developing programming around the new creation care theme. It has been a new challenge as they must also plan all the other projects they regularly serve. Thankfully, several of our partners will be implementing projects on this topic in their regions this year.

In February I had the opportunity to visit our partner FIBAC in Cuba with two colleagues from CBM. FIBAC hosted their Annual Assembly in which there was also a leadership election. It was a time of great blessing and reflection to see that despite the changing circumstances in the region, one element is visible – SOLIDARITY. This is a characteristic of the Cuban church that makes me reflect on the importance of walking with our neighbor with the same spirit of unity.

  • Please pray for our partners in Latin America, especially for the new leadership. May God pour wisdom on them so they can bring hope to the communities they serve.
  • Please pray for each person who is involved directly with our projects in Latin America. Pray for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Especially pray for their health and families. In the same way, may God give them strength for the challenges that come their way.
  • Pray for me, as the Program Officer for Latin America, so that I can be a support and encouragement to our partners.

Thank you again for supporting God’s work in Latin America and around the world. Thank you for your prayers that know no boundaries and have no limits.

Shalom! May God overflow you with blessings.

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