Big Changes
Over the last few months, there have been some exciting things happening in the ministry: training with sub-regional pastors in Rwanda, a SENT team from Calgary, a visit to Kenya that included teaching, preaching and visiting a mentoring project with children grades 6-8, and more. But all that will need to wait and be reported on at some other time.
In this update, we want to let all of you know about a major change that is taking place for the two of us. After 22 years of living internationally, first in Indonesia and then in Rwanda, we have sensed that God is directing us to move back to Canada. Over the last couple of years, we have been doing our best to be listen for God’s guidance as things in our lives continued to change. In recent weeks we have felt God saying to us that it is time to return to Canada to be closer to family.
Such a decision did not come easily. Both of us since early childhood on have been convinced of God’s call on our lives to international ministry. And since joining CBM in 2002, we have been incredibly blessed to be used by God in different cultures and settings. But in 2024, just like in 2002, we want to be where God wants us to be. So, even though it is difficult to bring this part of our lives to a close, we are at peace with it.
But now for the good news. We are going to continue serving with CBM! Darrell will remain as the Church Leadership Development Specialist on the CBM Africa team, based in New Brunswick. This will mean working remotely from Canada combined with a couple of visits to Africa each year to spend time directly with the partners. The shift in recent years on the CBM Africa team toward areas of specialization has meant that Darrell’s already been spending a lot of his time working remotely with all the partners in sub-Sahara Africa, even while living in Rwanda. This has been aided by the unexpected impact of COVID-19, which made so many people comfortable using Zoom and other online video technology. So, these factors should allow Darrell to continue doing much of the same things in Canada as he was doing in Rwanda. Yes, there will still be many changes, but also some continuity as well. For Laura Lee, it is still unclear what she will be doing, but there is a good chance that it will still involve responsibilities with CBM.
What does all this mean? Here are a few details:
- On August 27th, we will leave Rwanda (that is less than one month away!)
- During the Fall months, we will still be doing our regularly scheduled home assignment. Hopefully that means we will have the opportunity to see many of you face-to-face as we visit with churches and supporters.
- Our new roles with CBM will officially begin in the new year.
- Some of you may be wondering if financial support will still be needed. The answer is yes! As part of the CBM Africa team, the funding of our positions will continue to be through the donations of churches and individuals, just like it was when we were living in Rwanda. Our prayer is that our faithful supporters will want to continue walking this road with us that began 22 years ago.
Over the next couple of months, we would appreciate your prayers during this time of transition:
- Pray for the partners as they adapt to this new reality. This would be especially true for our partner here in Rwanda (AEBR). After “doing life” together for so many years, it is not easy to see that come to an end.
- For ourselves, we would ask that you pray for us as we say goodbye to friends and colleagues, deal with a mountain of details in closing down our house and figuring out what can and should come back to Canada with us, and prepare for the enormous shift of re-entering life in Canada again after so many years away.
Finally, we know that our journey in Indonesia and Rwanda was not done alone. We have been incredibly blessed to have so many individuals and churches who have accompanied us through prayers, encouragement and financial support. We never grow tired of saying thank you for that commitment, generosity and kindness. On so many occasions, you have been a source of strength and encouragement for us.
May God continue to bless you,
Darrell & Laura Lee