We praise God for His protection and blessings during this period of fearful spreading virus Covid-19. By the grace of God and your prayers in India all the partners and staff are safe and praying for the people and the families suffering directly and indirectly from Covid-19. All of them are taking necessary preventive steps and creating awareness in all the project villages through the churches.
We are happy to inform that, though the Covid-19 created havoc, all our partners have successfully completed their first quarter’s activities successfully.
Empowerment of Soura Widows Training Program
Empowerment of Soura Widows Program has been conducted at Bethany Bungalow at Serango on 28 January 2020. Nearly 40 widows took part in this program. The local government Block Development officer, Government Zilla Parishad chairman, Mr. Eliazer Mondol and I have attended as resource persons and have given lectures on Business skills and marketing skills.
Tutors Training Program (Literacy Program)
Tutoring training program has been conducted at Serango for the 30 tutors on teaching methods. The local government literacy program officer and I have participated and took sessions on importance of literacy, Teaching methods.
Empowerment of Youth Staff Training Program (Computer Training and Tutoring Program)
The training program for the program staff, Utkal Baptist Churches Association (UBCA) has been conducted on 28 January 2020 at UBCA church building at Parlakhemundi. I have imparted knowledge to the staff to bring “CHANGE” in the society.
Inauguration of Computer Training Center at Kurada
The computer training center of the Eleem’s compassion Ministries has been inaugurated at Kurada on 8 February 2020. The ECM has renovated the old church building with the partial help of CBM and made it available for running the program. On this occasion I spoke on the importance and necessity of youth acquiring computer skills in this present world scenario. Nearly 100 youth and 150 villagers including local political leaders and informal leaders participated in the function.
Workshop at No.14 Magoni, Assam
A workshop has been organized at No.14 Magoni in Assam state on 27 February, 2020 by the Alempang Baptist Church on “Integral Mission”. Forty-six participants from the nearby villages took part in this workshop and acquired knowledge on Integral Mission. I have attended as resource person and given lecture on Integral Mission.
Soura Baptist Christian Mondali Sammelani (SBCMS) Annual Conference
The SBCMS annual conference has been conducted from 21-24 February 2020 at Chintmanu colony. Nearly 130,000 Soura people took participation in this conference. I have attended the conference and conveyed greetings on this occasion. Dr Suraj shared the word of God on this occasion and the topic was “The church performs all in Love.”
Let all that you do be done in Love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
Utkal Baptist Churches Association Annual Conference (UBCA)
UBCA annual conference was held at Torongda from 1-4 March 2020. Nearly 25,000 people attended the conference and were blessed. I have attended the conference, conveyed greetings and shared the word of God on “Beyond the bounds.”
For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mathew 5:20
Prayer Requests
- Pray for India and its partners to continue the ministry and programs in this difficult situation.
- Pray for the healing touch of God on the nations especially on the people suffering from Covid-19.
- Pray for the ministerial support for me to continue to serve the down trodden and marginalized people through CBM in India