Ministry Update

Lewis and Felain Lam Ministry Update August 2024

Ministry Update

5 min

Peace be with you. May you have a wonderful summer, resting and connecting with your loved ones. Thank you for your ongoing support in prayers, deeds, and financial contributions.  

Family Update  

This summer, Caleb completed his third year of university and spent a month as an exchange student in Korea. In September, we will return to Canada for Lewis’ ordination and a family visit.  

Growing in Christ

From January to September, our church has focused on spiritual growth. Here are some changes to our ministries: 

  • Team-building Day: To prevent burnout and deepen relationships, we organized 2 team-building days in February and May, with a focus on fostering a healthy view of serving, enhancing communication, and creating space for retreat and reflection.  
  • Student and Career Group: In this group, members share their devotion in a WhatsApp group and experience God through prayer support, strengthening their spiritual friendships.  
  • Family Group: We are engaged in an in-depth Bible study about Joseph, requiring believers to study the scriptures and complete assignments before each gathering. During the session, we lead the Bible study and guide discussions.  

By prioritizing a relationship with God, we have witnessed breakthroughs in spiritual blind spots, a livelier church life, and a greater balance of spiritual growth in “being” and “doing.” 

Ministries Updates and Prayer Requests  

  • Lunar New Year Dumplings Festival Outreach (2/11): About 70 attendees enjoyed a warm and joyful event.  
  • Joint Living Camp for Göttingen, Kassel, and Marburg (6/7-9): 100 participants from adult, children’s, and youth ministries attended.  
  • Joint Dedication Group: Formed in June, including 12 members from Göttingen and Marburg. We aim to guide believers in discerning a commitment to God’s calling to be pastors or missionaries. May God reveal his will and plan to his chosen workers.  
  • Seminary Students’ Internship: We supervise two seminary students from Hong Kong in July and August. Pray that God broadens their vision and trains them to be his faithful workers. 

A Student’s Journey: God’s Healing & the Path of Reconciliation 

I arrived in Göttingen for my master’s degree at the end of 2022, a newly converted believer experiencing profound growth and breakthroughs in my relationship with my parents. Since childhood, I had chosen to freeze this relationship and cover up its hurts.  

Through a deep conversation with Pastor Felain, I saw the impact of my family of origin and uncovered a deep wound. My father was absent from my childhood memories. My parents constantly argued. They said they wouldn’t divorce “for my sake,” so every subsequent quarrel reminded me that “I’m not good enough; I’m the source of trouble.”  

In another soul-care session, Pastor Felain asked, “Are you willing to give the wound to God?” I was reminded that what is impossible with man is possible with God. Fearful but surrendered to God, I said, “I am willing.” In the following two months, God encouraged me to forgive my father. My first reaction was “What?! I am the victim, so why should I be the first to forgive?” God gently said, “If you want complete healing, choose to forgive first.” Then I responded, “I want to forgive, and I want to be healed, but it is so hard. Please help me.”  

On Father’s Day last year, I mustered the courage to send long messages to my parents, expressing my pain and choosing to forgive. After editing and rephrasing repeatedly, I finally pressed send. I cried and prayed, “I give You the hurts from my family of origin. I have tried everything and failed, but I believe You can do it. I don’t know how You will do it, but I believe.” At that moment, the wound healed! Although I still remember the past, it no longer hurts. The chains of the past no longer bind me, and I can finally walk freely on my future path. 

 I didn’t want to stop at just my own healing. I wanted to restore my relationship with my parents. I returned home during the Lunar New Year, yet my parents’ relationship had deteriorated further. I took a trip with my mom and sought ways to reconnect with my dad through his interest in music. I realized that I used to see my dad through my mom’s eyes, but now, looking at him from my own perspective, I see him differently. 

 The rest of my homecoming journey was challenging, and I returned to Göttingen with mixed feelings. With Pastor Felain’s guidance, I gradually understood that I couldn’t be my mom’s rescuer and accepted that I’d grown up with an absent father. While meditating and praying, the Spirit led me to see God opening his hands with a smile and saying, “From now on, I will protect and guide you. Although your earthly father is imperfect, your Heavenly Father is perfect.” I felt the void in my heart fill. I still hear my dad’s unfair judgments, but they no longer affect me. My Heavenly Father has given me a new heart, and He lives within it, just as described in Ezekiel 36:26. Every heartbeat reminds me that I have the best DAD in the world! 

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